首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases >A Novel Method to Prevent Terminal Appositional Overgrowth Following Pediatric Below Knee Amputations: A Case Series and Review of the Literature

A Novel Method to Prevent Terminal Appositional Overgrowth Following Pediatric Below Knee Amputations: A Case Series and Review of the Literature


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The terminal overgrowth of the tibia following pediatric transtibial amputation is a common problem leading to pain, disability, and repeat surgical procedures. We present three patients who underwent transtibial amputation due to sarcoma of the lower extremity followed by compress osseo-integration prosthesis fixation. The minimum follow-up was 1 year. The average age of patients was 10.8 years. There were no complications that required surgical revision. To date, there has been no evidence of terminal appositional overgrowth in this series. The application of an end-cap implant utilizing compressive osseointegration fixation can prevent terminal bone overgrowth in pediatric transtibial amputations.
机译:胫骨末端过度生长在儿科育截肢后是一种常见问题,导致疼痛,残疾和重复外科手术。 我们提出了由于下肢的肉瘤而受到剧本截肢的三名患者,其次是压缩osseo-一体化假体固定。 最低随访时间为1年。 患者的平均年龄为10.8岁。 没有任何并发症需要手术修订。 迄今为止,本系列没有终端对象过度生长的证据。 利用压缩性骨整合固定的封端植入物的应用可以防止终端骨过度流动在儿科突变截肢中。



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