首页> 外文期刊>Biocontrol Science >Construction of Its Evaluation System in Originally Designed Test-Chamber System and Sporicidal Activity of Aerosolized Hypochlorite Solution to Bacillus subtilis Spores

Construction of Its Evaluation System in Originally Designed Test-Chamber System and Sporicidal Activity of Aerosolized Hypochlorite Solution to Bacillus subtilis Spores


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Effective spatial disinfection systems are required for human health care, public hygiene, and food and medicine manufacturing. Although some aerosolized disinfectants were already applied to its purpose, accurate evaluation systems were under-constructed. In this study, the spatial sporicidal activity of aerosolized hypochlorite solution (AHS) to dormant cells, Bacillus subtilis spores, was evaluated by an originally designed chamber system. In the test-chamber, AHS was supplied and existed as micro-droplets, and environmental relative humidity (RH) could be controlled. Available chlorine (AC) exposure was also controlled with appropriate AC loading but was influenced by the acidity of AHS. Our results indicated that inactivation of spore was depend on AC exposure amount and time. On the other hand, unsaturated environmental RH markedly decreased spore inactivation. This study indicated that our test-chamber system can provide reproducible test data under a homogeneous air condition, and, thereby, that the data obtained by the chamber system should contribute to predicting the AC-required dose to disinfect a whole building.



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