首页> 外文期刊>Acta Crystallographica, Section B. Structural Science >Structure of unsolvated magnesium borohydride Mg(BH4)(2)

Structure of unsolvated magnesium borohydride Mg(BH4)(2)


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We have determined the structures of two phases of unsolvated Mg(BH4)(2), a material of interest for hydrogen storage. One or both phases can be obtained depending on the synthesis conditions. The first, a hexagonal phase with space group P6(1), is stable below 453 K. Upon heating above that temperature it transforms to an orthorhombic phase, with space group Fddd, stable to 613 K at which point it decomposes with hydrogen release. Both phases consist of complex networks of corner-sharing tetrahedra consisting of a central Mg atom and four BH4 units. The high-temperature orthorhombic phase has a strong antisite disorder in the a lattice direction, which can be understood on the basis of atomic structure.
机译:我们已经确定了非溶剂化的Mg(BH4)(2)(一种用于储氢的材料)的两相结构。取决于合成条件,可以获得一相或两相。第一个空间空间为P6(1)的六方相在453 K以下稳定。加热至该温度以上,六方相转变为正交晶相,空间空间Fddd稳定在613 K,在此点分解并释放出氢。这两个阶段都由角M原子和四个BH4单元组成的角共享四面体的复杂网络组成。高温正交相在晶格方向上具有强的抗位错,这可以从原子结构的基础上理解。



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