首页> 外文期刊>Biological research for nursing >Chronic Central Pain Among Community-Dwelling Survivors of Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Sensory Testing Study

Chronic Central Pain Among Community-Dwelling Survivors of Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Sensory Testing Study


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Background: Central pain associated with changes in sensory thresholds is one of the most enduring consequences of major trauma. Yet it remains sparsely studied among community-dwelling survivors of moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Purpose: To describe and compare thermal and mechanical sensory thresholds in home-based patients with and without central pain after moderate-to-severe TBI with a cohort of healthy controls. Design: Cross-sectional. Method: Thresholds for cold/heat detection, thermal pain, touch, and distorted sensation were gathered using quantitative sensory testing (QST). QST was performed on the painful and contralateral pain-free body regions in TBI participants with pain (TBI-P) and on both forearms in TBI participants without pain (TBI-NP) and healthy controls (HC). Central pain was characterized using the Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form. Results: We tested 16 TBI-P patients, 17 TBI-NP patients, and 16 HC. Mean time since injury for TBI patients was 24 +/- 15 months. TBI-P and TBI-NP patients showed significant loss in innocuous mechanical sensitivity compared to HC (F = 18.929; Bonferroni-adjusted p <= .001). Right-left differences in cold pain sensations were significantly larger in TBI-P than in TBI-NP and HC participants (F = 14.352; Bonferroni-adjusted p <= .001). Elevated heat sensitivity thresholds were also observed in TBI-P participants but remained within normal range. Conclusion: Damage to cutaneous mechanoreceptors is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for the development of chronic central pain following TBI. Damage or incomplete recovery of cutaneous thermoreceptors may be a contributing factor to chronic pain after TBI.
机译:背景:与感官阈值变化相关的中央疼痛是主要创伤的最受高度持久的后果之一。然而,中度至严重的创伤性脑损伤(TBI)的社区住宅幸存者中仍然略微疏忽。目的:在中度至严重的TBI后描述和比较家庭患者的热和机械感官阈值,其与健康对照组的中度至严重的TBI。设计:横截面。方法:使用定量感官测试(QST)收集冷/热检测的阈值,热疼痛,触摸和扭曲的感觉。在TBI参与者的疼痛和对侧无痛的体积上进行QST,在没有疼痛(TBI-NP)和健康对照(HC)的TBI参与者中的疼痛(TBI-P)和两本前臂上进行。中央疼痛的特征是使用短暂的止痛性短的形式来表征。结果:我们测试了16例TBI-P患者,17例TBI-NP患者和16株HC。由于TBI患者损伤的平均时间为24 + / - 15个月。与HC相比,TBI-P和TBI-NP患者对无害机械敏感性的显着损失(F = 18.929; Bonferroni调整的P <= .001)。在TBI-P和HC参与者中,TBI-P左右左左差异显着较大(F = 14.352; Bonferroni调整的P <= .001)。在TBI-P参与者中也观察到热敏阈值升高,但在正常范围内仍然存在。结论:皮肤机械损伤是TBI后慢性中央疼痛的发展的必要性,但不足的条件。皮肤热受体的损伤或不完全恢复可能是TBI后慢性疼痛的贡献因素。



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