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Detailed biological data are informative, but robust trends are needed for informing sustainability of wildlife harvesting: A case study of reptile offtake in Southeast Asia


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Conservation biologists often use sophisticated models of population functioning to predict the levels at which harvesting of wild populations will be sustainable. We argue that this approach is not useful for species that, although abundant, are near impossible to survey cost-effectively with enough precision to gather key data to input as model parameters. Our examination of > 7000 Reticulated Pythons (Malayopython reticulates), collected for the commercial skin industry, provides extensive information on life-history traits, population size structure, sex ratio and diets across sites in Kalimantan, Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia. Our data reveal many interesting divergences between populations from north vs south of the equator (e.g., in body sizes, reproductive frequencies, seasonal timing of reproduction), and a trend for snakes to be smaller from more intensively harvested sites. In combination with earlier analyses, > 10,000 individuals of M. reticulatus have been dissected for information on ecological attributes (more than for any other snake species worldwide). Nonetheless, in the absence of demographic data (e.g., on underlying abundances and rates of survival and growth of free-ranging snakes), the most robust estimate of sustainability of the harvest comes from long-term trends in mean body sizes, life history traits, and offtake rates. Because mathematical models depend upon accurate estimation of abundance and demography, parameters unobtainable for these secretive, well-camouflaged reptiles, managers should prioritise gathering long term data on harvest trends instead.
机译:保护生物学家经常使用复杂的人口模型,以预测野生种群的收获的水平将是可持续的。我们认为这种方法对于物种而言,虽然丰富,但近乎无法调查成本有效的精确度,以收集键数据以输入为模型参数。我们对商业皮肤行业收集的> 7000个网状蟒蛇(Malayopython Pyticulates)的检查提供了关于卡利马丹,苏门答腊州,苏门答腊州和半岛马来西亚的遗址的广泛信息。我们的数据揭示了北方北方北方南部的人口之间的许多有趣的分歧(例如,在身体尺寸,生殖频率,繁殖的季节性时序,再现的季节性时序),以及从更集中的场地更小的蛇的趋势。结合早期分析,有关生态属性的信息,已经解释了> 10,000个M. Reticulatus(超过全世界任何其他蛇种)。尽管如此,在没有人口统计数据的情况下(例如,关于潜在的丰富和生存率和自由蛇的增长),最强大的收获可持续性估计来自平均身体尺寸,生命历史特征的长期趋势和退税率。由于数学模型取决于准确估计丰富和人口统计,因此对这些秘密,伪装的爬行动物的参数,管理者应该优先考虑收集收获趋势的长期数据。



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