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The ethics of biobanking: Assessing the right to control problem for broad consent


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The biobank consent debate is one with deeply held convictions on both the 'broad' and 'specific' side with little sign of resolution. Recently, Thomas Ploug and Soren Holm have developed an alternative to both specific and broad consent: a meta-consent framework. The aim here is to consider whether meta-consent provides a 'solution' to the biobank consent debate. We clarify what 'meta-consent' actually is (arguing that the label is a misnomer and 'consent a la carte' is more accurate). We identify problems with Ploug and Holm's arguments, and some challenges for meta-consent. We focus on whether there is any ethical obligation to provide consent a la carte. There may seem to be so, especially if we draw upon an unclear appeal to the ethical significance of 'respect for autonomy'. Similarly, there might seem to be an intuitive inference from the fact that ethically legitimate research requires informed consent to the conclusion that it thereby requires consent a la carte. It is shown that this line of inference is mistaken.
机译:Biobank同意辩论是一个关于“广泛”和“特定”方面的信念,具有很少的决议迹象。最近,Thomas Ploug和Soren Holm已经制定了特定和广泛同意的替代方案:一个荟萃同意框架。这里的目的是考虑Meta同意是否为BIOBANK同意辩论提供了“解决方案”。我们澄清实际上的“荟萃同意”(争辩说,标签是一个错误的人,并同意LACALE'更加准确)。我们识别PLOUG和HOLM论点的问题,以及衡量议会的一些挑战。我们专注于是否有任何道德义务提供同意点菜。似乎可能是如此,特别是如果我们在对“尊重自主权”的道德意义上的伦理意义上的诉诸的诉求时。同样,似乎可能是一种直观的推论,从道德合法的研究需要了解所需的结论,所以它需要同意点菜。结果表明,这一推动线被误解了。



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