首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular and cell biology of Lipids >Opinion article on lipidomics: Inherent challenges of lipidomic analysis of sphingolipids

Opinion article on lipidomics: Inherent challenges of lipidomic analysis of sphingolipids


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Abstract A challenge for sphingolipidomic analysis is the vast number of subspecies, including a large number of isomers—a complication that was even appreciated by the original discoverer of sphingolipids J. L. W. Thudichum ( The Chemistry of the Brain , p. x , 1884): “In the course of my researches many unforeseen complications arose, prominent amongst which were those caused by the occurrence of chemical principles having the same atomic or elementary composition, but differing in other chemical, or in physical properties, varieties producing the phenomenon which in chemistry is termed isomerism.” Therefore, it is essential to choose the appropriate method(s) for the goal of the analysis, to know the assumptions and limitations of method(s) used, and to temper interpretation of the data accordingly. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: BBALIP_Lipidomics Opinion Articles edited by Sepp Kohlwein. Highlights ? The sphingolipidome is difficult to analyze due to its large size and complexity. ? Methods are available for a large number of species, including most of the known “signaling” metabolites. ? Additional methods are needed for analysis of isobaric species and isomers of many kinds. ]]>
机译:摘要对鞘磷脂分析的挑战是大量的亚种,包括大量异构体 - 鞘脂的原始发现者甚至受到鞘脂葡萄球菌(大脑化学,P. x,1884):“在我的研究过程中的许多不可预见的并发症出现,突出的是那些由具有相同原子或基本组成的化学原理的发生,而是在其他化学物质中不同,或在物理性质中,产生在化学中的现象的品种异构。”因此,必须为分析的目标选择合适的方法,了解所用方法的假设和限制,并相应地发动数据的解释。本文是题为的特殊问题的一部分:BBALIP_LIPIDOMICS意见文章由SEPP Kohlwein编辑。强调 ?由于其大尺寸和复杂性而难以分析鞘脂。还方法可用于大量物种,包括大多数已知的“信号传导”代谢物。还需要额外的方法来分析异卷物种和多种异构体。 ]]>



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