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Min st-Cut Oracle for Planar Graphs with Near-Linear Preprocessing Time


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For an undirected n-vertex planar graph G with nonnegative edge weights, we consider the following type of query: given two vertices s and t in G, what is the weight of a min st-cut in G? We show how to answer such queries in constant time with O(n log(4) n) preprocessing time and O(n log n) space. We use a Gomory-Hu tree to represent all the pairwise min cuts implicitly. Previously, no subquadratic time algorithm was known for this problem. Since all-pairs min cut and the minimum-cycle basis are dual problems in planar graphs, we also obtain an implicit representation of a minimum-cycle basis in O(n log(4) n) time and O(n log n) space. Additionally, an explicit representation can be obtained in O(C) time and space where C is the size of the basis.
机译:对于具有非负边权重的无向n顶点平面图G,我们考虑以下类型的查询:给定G中的两个顶点s和t,G中最小切线的权重是多少?我们展示了如何以O(n log(4)n)预处理时间和O(n log n)空间在恒定时间内回答此类查询。我们使用Gomory-Hu树隐式表示所有成对的最小割。以前,尚无次二次时间算法可解决此问题。由于所有对的最小割和最小循环基础是平面图中的双重问题,因此我们还获得了O(n log(4)n)时间和O(n log n)空间中最小循环基础的隐式表示。此外,可以在O(C)的时间和空间中获得显式表示,其中C是基础的大小。



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