首页> 外文期刊>Computational geometry: Theory and applications >Constant time distance queries in planar unweighted graphs with subquadratic preprocessing time

Constant time distance queries in planar unweighted graphs with subquadratic preprocessing time


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Let G be an n-vertex planar, undirected, and unweighted graph. It was stated as open problems whether the Wiener index, defined as the sum of all-pairs shortest path distances, and the diameter of G can be computed in o(~(n2)) time. We show that both problems can be solved in O(~(n2)loglogn/logn) time with O(n) space. The techniques that we apply allow us to build, within the same time bound, an oracle for exact distance queries in G. More generally, for any parameter Sa??[(logn/loglogn)~2,n2/~5], distance queries can be answered in O(SlogS/logn) time per query with O(~(n2)/S) preprocessing time and space requirement. With respect to running time, this is better than previous algorithms when logS=o(logn). All algorithms have linear space requirement. Our results generalize to a larger class of graphs including those with a fixed excluded minor.
机译:令G为n顶点平面,无向和无权图。被认为是开放问题,是否可以在o(〜(n2))时间内计算出定义为所有对最短路径距离之和的Wiener指数和G的直径。我们证明这两个问题都可以在O(n)空间的O(〜(n2)loglogn / logn)时间内解决。我们应用的技术允许我们在相同的时间范围内建立一个用于在G中精确距离查询的预言机。更普遍地,对于任何参数Sa ?? [(logn / loglogn)〜2,n2 /〜5],距离每个查询可以用O(〜(n2)/ S)预处理时间和空间要求在O(SlogS / logn)时间内回答查询。关于运行时间,当logS = o(logn)时,这比以前的算法要好。所有算法都有线性空间要求。我们的结果可以推广到更大范围的图,包括那些具有固定排除小图的图。



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