首页> 外文期刊>Acta Biotheoretica >P. Hammerstein and J. R. Stevens: 'Evolution and the Mechanisms of Decision Making'

P. Hammerstein and J. R. Stevens: 'Evolution and the Mechanisms of Decision Making'

机译:哈默斯坦(P. Hammerstein)和史蒂文斯(R. Stevens):“进化与决策机制”

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There is no doubt that the study of decision making is one of the central problems of contemporary natural and social science. However, despite the importance of this problem and the effort that has gone into resolving it, there is still much that is not well understood about how and why humans (and other animals) make the decisions that they do. Hammerstein and Stevens's new collection of essays is set to change this: by putting together new work by some of the key researchers in the area, it marks a significant advance in the state of this debate. In what follows, I first lay out the key aspects of the structure and content of the book in Sect. 2. After that, in Sect. 3, I remark on one positive and one negative feature of the general setup of the collection. I conclude in Sect. 4.
机译:毫无疑问,决策研究是当代自然科学和社会科学的核心问题之一。然而,尽管这个问题的重要性和解决该问题所付出的努力,对于人类(以及其他动物)如何以及为什么做出他们做出的决定,仍然有很多尚未被很好地理解。哈默斯坦和史蒂文斯的新论文集将改变这种状况:通过汇集该地区一些主要研究人员的新著作,这标志着这场辩论的重要进展。接下来,我将首先介绍Sect中本书结构和内容的关键方面。 2.之后,在Sect中。 3,我对集合的一般设置的一个正面和负面特征进行评论。我在Sect中总结。 4。



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