首页> 外文期刊>Acta Biotheoretica >Philosophy of Biology:About the Fossilization of Disciplines and Other Embryonic Thoughts

Philosophy of Biology:About the Fossilization of Disciplines and Other Embryonic Thoughts


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This paper focuses on a running dispute between Werner Callebaut's naturalistic view and Filip Kolen and Gertrudis Van de Vijver's transcendentalist view on the nature of philosophy of biology and the relation of this discipline to biological sciences.It is argued that,despite differences in opinion,both positions agree that philosophy of biology's ultimate goal is to 'move' biology or at least be 'meaningful' to it.In order to make this goal clear and effective,more is needed than a polarizing debate which hardly touches upon biology.Therefore,a redirection in discussion is suggested towards a reflection on the possibilities of incorporating philosophy in interdisciplinary research,and on finding concrete research questions which are of interest both to the philosopher and to the biologist.
机译:本文着眼于沃纳·卡勒鲍特(Werner Callebaut)的自然主义观点与菲利普·科伦(Filip Kolen)和格特鲁迪斯·范·德·维伊弗(Gertrudis Van de Vijver)关于生物学哲学本质以及该学科与生物学之间的关系的超越主义观点之间的争论。立场一致认为,生物学哲学的最终目标是“推动”生物学或至少对其具有“意义”。为了使这一目标清晰有效,比几乎没有触及生物学的两极分化辩论需要的更多。建议在讨论中进行重定向,以反映出将哲学纳入跨学科研究的可能性,以及寻找哲学家和生物学家都感兴趣的具体研究问题。



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