首页> 外文期刊>BioSystems >Automated classification of atherosclerotic plaque from magnetic resonance images using predictive models

Automated classification of atherosclerotic plaque from magnetic resonance images using predictive models


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The information contained within multicontrast magnetic resonance images (MRI) promises to improve tissue classification accuracy, once appropriately analyzed. Predictive models capture relationships empirically, from known outcomes thereby combining pattern classification with experience. In this study, we examine the applicability of predictive modeling for atherosclerotic plaque component classification of multicontrast ex vivo MR images using stained, histopathological sections as ground truth. Ten multicontrast images from seven human coronary artery specimens were obtained on a 9.4 T imaging system using multicontrast-weighted fast spin-echo (T1-, proton density-, and T2-weighted) imaging with 39-μm isotropic voxel size. Following initial data transformations, predictive modeling focused on automating the identification of specimen's plaque, lipid, and media. The outputs of these three models were used to calculate statistics such as total plaque burden and the ratio of hard plaque (fibrous tissue) to lipid. Both logistic regression and an artificial neural network model (Relevant Input Processor Network—RIPNet) were used for predictive modeling. When compared against segmentation resulting from cluster analysis, the RIPNet models performed between 25 and 30% better in absolute terms. This translates to a 50% higher true positive rate over given levels of false positives. This work indicates that it is feasible to build an automated system of plaque detection using MRI and data mining.
机译:一旦进行了适当的分析,多对比磁共振图像(MRI)中包含的信息有望提高组织分类的准确性。预测模型从已知结果中凭经验捕获关系,从而将模式分类与经验结合起来。在这项研究中,我们检查了预测模型对多造影剂离体MR图像的动脉粥样硬化斑块成分分类的适用性,使用染色的组织病理学切片作为基本事实。在9.4 T成像系统上,使用39微米各向同性体素大小的多对比度加权快速自旋回波(T1,质子密度和T2加权)成像,从七个人类冠状动脉标本中获得了十张多对比度图像。在进行初始数据转换之后,预测模型着重于自动识别标本的斑块,脂质和培养基。这三个模型的输出用于计算统计数据,例如总噬菌斑负荷以及硬菌斑(纤维组织)与脂质的比率。逻辑回归和人工神经网络模型(相关输入处理器网络-RIPNet)都用于预测建模。与通过聚类分析得出的细分进行比较时,RIPNet模型的绝对值比传统方法提高了25%到30%。在给定的假阳性水平下,这意味着真阳性率提高了50%。这项工作表明,使用MRI和数据挖掘构建自动化的噬菌斑检测系统是可行的。



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