首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science >Variations in infection by Mycocentrospora acerina in carrot monocultureplots at four sites during 1985-1995

Variations in infection by Mycocentrospora acerina in carrot monocultureplots at four sites during 1985-1995


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Infection by Mycocentrospora acerina in carrots was examined ill the period 1985-1995 in monoculture plots at four sites with crop-rotation experiments in Norway. At two of the locations, with the most variable climate, the incidence and severity of M. acerina infections on leaves and roots varied most through the different years. At these locations M. acerina attack on the roots was positively correlated with precipitation in July. At one location the incidence of leaf infection corresponded significantly with the incidence on the roots. At one site the length of the storage period correlated with the incidence and severity of liquorice rot in storage.
机译:1985年至1995年期间,在挪威的作物轮作试验中,在四个地点的单一耕地中检查了Mycocentrospora acerina在胡萝卜中的感染情况。在这两个地点,气候变化最多,在不同年份中,叶子和根部上的麦角分支杆菌感染的发生率和严重程度变化最大。在这些位置,槭树根部侵袭与7月的降水呈正相关。在某一位置,叶片感染的发生率与根部发生率显着对应。在一个地点,贮藏期的长短与贮藏中甘草腐烂的发生和严重程度有关。



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