首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science >Diversity in Nordic spring wheat cultivars (1901-93).

Diversity in Nordic spring wheat cultivars (1901-93).


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Nordic plant breeders have selected superior genotypes and released new spring wheat cultivars throughout this century. However, the extent of phenotypic diversity that exists in this improved germplasm has not been accurately investigated. This study phenotypically assessed 75 selected cultivars released to farmers in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden within the last 10 decades. Grouping of cultivars was not related to their geographical origin or decade of release. The respective within-clustervariances were always larger than the among-cluster variances. The average phenotypic diversity for Nordic spring wheat germplasm was 0.22, which was not surprising because some newer cultivars were derived from older cultivars. There was a significantinfluence of geographical origin on days to heading, straw, grain and biomass weight, and kernel number. Likewise, the country X decade of release interaction was significant for all characteristics except plant height. These findings suggest that irrespective of location, Nordic breeders have reduced plant height in recently released cultivars at a rate of -0.5 cm year-1, thereby reducing lodging in this germplasm. There was no significant change in biomass, straw and kernel weight between old and newcultivars. Nonetheless, relative genetic gains in this germplasm during this century were significant for agronomic characteristics, such as days to heading (8%), plant height (36%), grain yield (20%), harvest index (19%), and number of kernels per unitarea (18%). On average, the absolute genetic gain for grain yield was about 18.5 kg ha-1 year-1. Negative changes in days to heading (at a rate of -0.06 year-1) and plant height, and positive changes in harvest index (0.06% year-1), and kernels m-2 (45 year-1) were associated with gains observed in grain yield, i.e. an early flowering plant with short straw, but many fertile tillers, had high grain yield. This sustained genetic gain could result from the accumulation of favourable alleles and intergenomic interactions between homologous loci during systematic plant breeding for grain yield.
机译:北欧植物育种家已经选择了优良的基因型,并在本世纪内发布了新的春小麦品种。但是,这种改良的种质中存在的表型多样性的程度尚未得到准确调查。该表型从表型上评估了过去十年中向丹麦,芬兰,挪威和瑞典的农民发布的75种精选品种。品种的分组与它们的地理起源或发行年代无关。各个集群内的方差总是大于集群间的方差。北欧春小麦种质的平均表型多样性为0.22,这并不奇怪,因为一些较新的品种来自较旧的品种。地理来源对抽穗期,稻草,谷物和生物量的重量以及粒数的影响很大。同样,国家X十年的释放相互作用对于除植物高度以外的所有特征都很重要。这些发现表明,不管地点如何,北欧育种者都以-0.5 cm year-1的速率降低了最近发布品种的株高,从而减少了在该种质中的倒伏。新老品种之间的生物量,秸秆和籽粒重量没有显着变化。然而,在本世纪中,这种种质的相对遗传收获对于农艺特性而言是重要的,例如抽穗期(8%),株高(36%),谷物产量(20%),收获指数(19%)和数量每单位面积的内核数(18%)。平均而言,谷物产量的绝对遗传增益约为18.5 kg ha-1 year-1。抽穗日数(-0.06年-1)和植株高度的负变化,收获指数(0.06%年-1)和籽粒m-2(45年-1)的正变化在谷物产量上可以观察到,即早稻草短,但分fer多,肥力高。这种持续的遗传增益可能是由于在进行系统的植物育种以提高产量的过程中,有利的等位基因的积累和同源基因座之间的基因组相互作用。



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