首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science >Sustainable long-term intensive application of manure to sandy soils without phosphorus leaching: a case study from Ghana

Sustainable long-term intensive application of manure to sandy soils without phosphorus leaching: a case study from Ghana


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Long-term application of manure to sandy soils to ensure high crop productivity may lead to phosphorus (P) leaching, which, in turn, may deteriorate the quality of recipient waters because of eutrophication. The risk of P leaching depends on contents of aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) oxides that are strong P sorbents and of calcium (Ca) that can form sparingly soluble Ca-P compounds. While P sorption by Al and Fe oxides is limited, the formation of sparingly soluble Ca-P may theoretically continue as long as enough Ca is available, i.e. under such conditions long-term application of manure may be environmentally sustainable. This hypothesis has been tested on soils formed on beach sand at Keta, Ghana, which have been used since the 1930s for intensive cultivation based on manure application. Soil samples were collected from different depths down to 80 cm in profile pits on cultivated soils that received manure over 70 years and on uncultivated plots (controls). The samples were analyzed for texture, pH, total C and P and poorly ordered Al and Fe oxides as well as different P forms as assessed by the Hedley fractionation method. The results showed a fourfold P increase in the top 40 cm of the cultivated soils, whereas in the deepest soil layers the P contents in the cultivated and uncultivated soils were almost the same indicating very limited downward P transport despite long-term manure application. This was supported by comparable P concentrations in groundwater taken under cultivated and uncultivated sites. P fractionation showed that the cultivated top soils were dominated by sparingly soluble Ca-P compounds that accounted for about 70% of the P gain. Thus, the results suggest that intensive crop production under tropical semi-arid conditions may be environmentally sustainable when based on manure fertilization ensuring enough Ca supply and neutral to alkaline pH.
机译:长期在沙质土壤上施用肥料以确保高作物产量可能会导致磷(P)的淋溶,进而由于富营养化而恶化接收水的质量。 P浸出的风险取决于强P吸附剂的铝(Al)和铁(Fe)氧化物的含量以及可形成微溶Ca-P化合物的钙(Ca)的含量。尽管Al和Fe氧化物对P的吸附受到限制,但是只要有足够的Ca可用,理论上就可以继续形成难溶的Ca-P,即在这种条件下长期施用肥料在环境上是可持续的。该假设已在加纳Keta的海滩沙滩上形成的土壤上进行了测试,该土壤自1930年代以来一直用于基于肥料施用的集约耕作。在70年以上接受过肥料的耕作土壤和未耕作的土地(对照)上,从不同深度(低至80厘米)的不同深度的土壤样品中收集土壤样品。通过Hedley分馏方法评估样品的质地,pH,总C和P以及有序的Al和Fe氧化物以及不同的P形式,分析样品。结果表明,在耕作土壤的前40 cm处,磷含量增加了四倍,而在最深的土壤层中,无论长期施用粪肥,耕种土壤和未耕种土壤中的磷含量几乎相同,表明向下的磷运移非常有限。在耕地和未耕地下采集的地下水中可比的P浓度可支持这一点。磷的分馏表明,耕种的表层土壤以微溶的Ca-P化合物为主,约占P增益的70%。因此,结果表明,当基于肥料施肥以确保足够的钙供应和中性至碱性pH值时,热带半干旱条件下的集约化作物生产可能在环境上可持续。



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