首页> 外文期刊>Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges >Discussing the Undiscussable With the Powerful: Why and How Faculty Must Learn to Counteract Organizational Silence

Discussing the Undiscussable With the Powerful: Why and How Faculty Must Learn to Counteract Organizational Silence


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Dialogue is essential for transforming institutions into learning organizations, yet many well-known characteristics of academic health centers (AHCs) interfere with open discussion. Rigid hierarchies, intense competition for resources, and the power of peer review in advancement processes all hamper difficult conversations, thereby contributing to organizational silence, and at great cost to the institution. Information necessary for critical decisions is not shared, individuals and the organization do not learn from mistakes, and diverse perspectives from those with less power are not entertained, or worse, are suppressed. When leaders become more skilled at inviting multiple perspectives and faculty more adept at broaching difficult conversations with those in power, differences are more effectively addressed and conflicts resolved. In this article, the authors frame why this skill is an essential competency for faculty and leaders alike and provide the following recommendations to institutions for increasing capacity in this area: (1) develop leaders to counteract organizational silence, (2) develop faculty members' skills in raising difficult issues with those in positions of power, and (3) train mentors to coach others in raising difficult conversations. The vitality of AHCs requires that faculty and institutional leaders develop relational communication skills and partner in learning through challenging conversations.
机译:对话对于将机构转变为学习型组织至关重要,但是学术健康中心(AHC)的许多众所周知的特征会干扰公开讨论。严格的等级制度,对资源的激烈竞争以及同行评议在推进过程中的强大功能都阻碍了艰难的对话,从而导致组织的沉默,并给机构带来巨大的成本。关键决策所必需的信息不会共享,个人和组织不会从错误中学到东西,从能力较弱的人那里得到的不同观点也不会得到招待,或者更糟糕的是,他们会受到压制。当领导者变得更加善于邀请多种观点,而教师们更擅长与当权者进行艰难的对话时,分歧将得到更有效的解决,冲突也将得到解决。在本文中,作者阐述了为何此技能是教师和领导者必不可少的能力,并向机构提供以下建议以提高该领域的能力:(1)培养领导者以消除组织的沉默,(2)培养教职员工的能力与当权者相处的棘手问题的技巧,以及(3)培训导师指导他人进行困难的对话。 AHC的生命力要求教师和机构领导者发展关系沟通技巧,并通过富有挑战性的对话来学习。



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