首页> 外文期刊>Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia >Sublethal effects of insecticides on the reproductive success of the Tsetse species Glosslna pallidlpes and G. m. morsitans

Sublethal effects of insecticides on the reproductive success of the Tsetse species Glosslna pallidlpes and G. m. morsitans

机译:杀虫剂的亚致死作用对采采蝇物种Glosslna pallidlpes和G. m。的繁殖成功。莫西坦人

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Female Glossina pallidipes Austen and G. m. morsitans Westwood (Diptera: Glossinidae) were treated with deltamethrin or pyrethrum extract through topical application or by exposure to cloth or glass treated with the same insecticides. Reproductive performance was assessed in terms of survival, pupae number and viability and reproductive deformities and abnormalities within the reproductive systems including abortions. Survival and fecundity of treated flies were significantly reduced (P<0.001). Pupaewere small, mostly non-viable, and were arrested at various stages of development. Abortions of egg and all stages of larvae were observed in pregnancy cycles 1-7 following insecticide treatment. Various concentrations ranging from 1-10^" nanograms permicro litre (ng/pL) of insecticide in redistilled acetone topically applied (1 p/fly) on the dorsal thorax of the females, 24 hr after their previous blood meal, resulted in both insecticides in various concentrations causing reproductive abnormalities in both species, including egg re-absorption after ovulation. The sublethal effects were observed to prevent ovulation altogether in some of the flies, which implies effects on the reproductive performances and control strategies for tsetse flies. Sublethal doses could impact negatively on beneficial organisms in the environment where tsetse flies occur mainly riverine, woodlands and forest ecosystems.
机译:雌性Glossina pallidipes Austen和G. m。使用溴氰菊酯或除虫菊提取物通过局部施用或将其暴露于用相同杀虫剂处理过的布或玻璃中处理过的莫西坦韦斯特伍德(Diptera:Glossinidae)。根据存活率,p数量和生存力以及生殖系统包括堕胎在内的生殖畸形和异常来评估生殖性能。经处理的果蝇的存活率和繁殖力显着降低(P <0.001)。 up很小,大多数都没有生存力,并且在发育的各个阶段被捕。在杀虫剂处理后的怀孕周期1-7中,观察到卵和幼虫所有阶段的流产。在雌性前次进餐后24小时,在雌性的背胸局部施用(1 p / fly)重蒸丙酮中的各种浓度范围为1-10 ^纳克每微升(ng / pL)的杀虫剂,均产生了两种杀虫剂在不同浓度下,这两种物种都会引起生殖异常,包括排卵后卵的重新吸收;观察到亚致死效应完全阻止了某些果蝇的排卵,这暗示了对采采蝇的生殖性能和控制策略的影响。对采采蝇产生影响的环境中的有益生物产生不利影响,主要是河流,林地和森林生态系统。



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