
Spitz Nevus

机译:Spitz Nevus

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The putatively benign Spitz nevus was introduced as the "Melanoma of Childhood" in 1948 by Sophie Spitz and is likely the most vexing of melanocytic lesions to the pathologist. Later known by the eponym Spitz nevus, or spindle cell and epithelioid cell nevus, this lesion often simulates malignant melanoma both clinically and histologically. Since its description, controversy has persisted regarding this entity and its benign nature; in fact, metastasizing Spitz nevi have been reported. Although some of these cases may have represented malignant melanoma from the outset, their occurrence heightens the importance of and the difficulty in the distinction between Spitz nevi and melanoma. The gray zone between the benign Spitz nevus and melanoma is often treacherous, especially in recognition of the incompletely understood biology and the haunting reports of regional or widespread lymph node involvement associated with Spitz nevi.
机译:苏菲·斯皮兹(Sophie Spitz)于1948年提出了公认的良性斯皮茨痣,称为“儿童黑素瘤”,这可能是病理学家最讨厌的黑素细胞病变。后来被称为“斯皮茨痣”(Spitz nevus)或梭形细胞和上皮样细胞痣,该病灶在临床和组织学上常常模拟恶性黑色素瘤。自描述以来,关于该实体及其良性的争论一直存在。实际上,已有报道转移斯皮茨痣。尽管其中一些病例从一开始就可能代表恶性黑色素瘤,但它们的发生增加了Spitz nevi和黑色素瘤之间区别的重要性和难度。良性斯皮茨痣与黑色素瘤之间的灰色区域通常是危险的,尤其是在认识到生物学不完全理解以及与斯皮茨痣相关的区域性或广泛性淋巴结受累的报道中。



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