
Squamous Cell Carcinoma


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Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common skin cancer in whites. Despite the fact that these tumors are largely preventable, the incidence of SCC is rising every year, and shows no signs of abating. While ultraviolet radiation is the most common cause of this type of cancer, other factors including ionizing radiation, human papillomavirus, chemical agents, immunosuppres-sion, and chronically injured or inflamed skin also predispose to SCC development. Invasive SCC may arise from a precursor lesion such as actinic keratosis, or from SCC in situ, and may exhibit a wide spectrum of clinical features. Similarly, the histopathology of SCC may be viewed as a spectrum of squamous intraepithelial neoplasia, within which a variety of common and more unusual variants have been identified. Since invasive SCC has the potential to recur and metastasize, it is important to recognize those factors placing individual lesions at a higher risk for recurrence or metastasis. These include size >2 cm, location on the ear, lip, and other specific sites on the head and neck, as well as acral and genital regions, degree of histologic differentiation, perineural invasion, immunosuppression, and history of previous treatment. Treatment of primary cutaneous SCC is essential both to mitigate locally destructive growth and to minimize the risk of metastatic spread. While low risk lesions may be treated effectively with electrodesiccation and curettage, excision, cryosurgery, radiation therapy, or photodynamic therapy, high risk SCCs may require Mohs micrographic surgery or excision with wider margins to minimize their risk of recurrence. Adjunctive treatment with radiotherapy, lymph node dissection, systemic chemotherapy or biologic response modifiers may be required for the treatment of regional or distant metastatic disease. Screening via total body skin examination is the only test available to detect cutaneous SCC. Patients at risk for developing SCC should be identified early, and patients with a previous history of skin cancer should be monitored for the development of new and recurrent skin lesions. The role of prevention through sun avoidance and protection from sunlight, beginning in childhood, cannot be underestimated. Physicians should emphasize to their patients that these prophylactic measures will help to minimize their risk of developing this potentially life-threatening cancer, and that prompt detection of early disease will maximize their chance of complete treatment with a high rate of cure.
机译:皮肤鳞状细胞癌(SCC)是白人中第二常见的皮肤癌。尽管事实上这些肿瘤是可以预防的,但SCC的发病率每年都在上升,并且没有减弱的迹象。虽然紫外线是这类癌症的最常见原因,但其他因素(包括电离辐射,人乳头瘤病毒,化学制剂,免疫抑制剂以及慢性受伤或发炎的皮肤)也容易导致SCC的发展。浸润性SCC可能来自前体病变(例如光化性角化病)或原位SCC,并且可能表现出广泛的临床特征。同样,SCC的组织病理学可以看作是鳞状上皮内瘤变的频谱,在其中已鉴定出多种常见和更不常见的变异。由于浸润性鳞癌具有复发和转移的潜力,因此重要的是要认识到那些因素使单个病变的复发或转移风险更高。这些包括> 2 cm的大小,在耳朵,嘴唇上以及在头和脖子上的其他特定部位的位置,以及在肛门和生殖器的部位,组织学分化程度,神经周浸润,免疫抑制和以前的治疗史。原发性皮肤SCC的治疗对于减轻局部破坏性生长并使转移扩散的风险最小化至关重要。低危病变可通过电除酸,刮除,切除,冷冻手术,放射疗法或光动力疗法进行有效治疗,而高危SCC可能需要进行Mohs显微外科手术或切除范围较大的切除术,以将其复发风险降至最低。放射治疗,淋巴结清扫术,全身化学疗法或生物反应调节剂可能需要进行辅助治疗,以治疗局部或远处转移性疾病。通过全身皮肤检查进行筛查是唯一可用于检测皮肤SCC的测试。应及早发现有发展为SCC风险的患者,并应监测有皮肤癌病史的患者新发和复发性皮肤病变的发生。从童年开始,通过避免阳光和防止阳光的预防作用不可低估。医师应向患者强调,这些预防措施将有助于最大程度地降低其患上这种可能威胁生命的癌症的风险,及时发现早期疾病将最大程度地提高治愈率。



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