首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter >Generating pure spin current with spin-dependent Seebeck effect in ferromagnetic zigzag graphene nanoribbons

Generating pure spin current with spin-dependent Seebeck effect in ferromagnetic zigzag graphene nanoribbons


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Pure spin current is of great importance in spintronics and may be achieved by spin dependent Seebeck effect (SDSE) in magnetic systems. Zigzag-edged graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) are very well-known 2D magnetic nanostructures. However, perfect and pristine ZGNRs either in the anti-ferromagnetic ground state or in the ferromagnetic (FM) state are not capable of producing pure spin current by SDSE at low temperature. In this work, by density functional theory calculations, we propose a scheme for generating pure spin current using SDSE in FM-ZGNRs by introducing antidots. Specifically, by creating a hexagonal antidot with either armchair edges or zigzag edges in the scattering region, we can get finite Seebeck thermopower for both spin channels with opposite signs, leading to the opposite flow directions of the two spin channels. The mechanism is well explained by the cooperation of the varying localization features of states around the Fermi level and the antidot induced scattering potential. By slightly tuning the chemical potential, pure spin current can be achieved. The size and edge shape effects have also been systematically studied. The findings indicate a novel scheme for thermally generating pure spin current in zigzag graphene nanoribbons and may find important application in graphene based spintronics.
机译:纯自旋流是自旋电子学非常重要,可以通过磁系统自旋相关塞贝克效应(SDSE)来实现。锯齿状边缘的石墨烯纳米带(ZGNRs)都是非常公知的2D磁纳米结构。然而,完美和原始ZGNRs无论是在反铁磁性基态或在铁磁性(FM)状态不能够在低温下制造由纯SDSE自旋电流。在这项工作中,通过密度泛函理论计算,我们提出了利用产生在SDSE FM-ZGNRs通过引入antidots纯自旋流的方案。具体地,通过创建与所述散射区域或者扶手椅边缘或锯齿形边缘的六边形antidot,我们可以得到有限塞贝克热电为具有相反符号的两个旋通道,导致两个自旋通道的相反的流动方向。该机制通过良好的状态的变本地化功能周围的费米能级的合作和antidot引起散射势解释。通过稍微调整化学势,可以实现纯自旋流。大小和边缘形状的影响也进行了系统的研究。研究结果表明在Z字形石墨烯纳米带热产生纯自旋电流的新颖的方案,并且可以找到在石墨烯自旋电子学重要的应用。



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