首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics, D. Applied Physics: A Europhysics Journal >Optical measurement of damping in nanomagnet arrays using magnetoelastically driven resonances

Optical measurement of damping in nanomagnet arrays using magnetoelastically driven resonances


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Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) are optically excited in periodic nanomagnet arrays and drive the magnetization precession via magnetoelastic coupling. The frequency of this mechanically induced magnetic response is pinned at the SAW frequency over an extended range of applied fields. First, we show by experimental and numerical investigation of materials with different combinations of damping and magnetoelastic coupling strengths that the field-dependent width of this pinned resonance depends only on the effective damping alpha(eff). Second, we derive an analytical expression for determining aeff from the Lorentzian lineshape of the field-dependent Fourier amplitude of this resonance. We show that the intrinsic Gilbert damping can be determined in the high field limit by analyzing multiple pinned resonances at different applied fields. This demonstrates that intrinsic damping can be extracted all-optically, despite interactions with nonmagnetic degrees of freedom. We find damping values of 0.027, 0.028 and 0.25 for Ni, Co and TbFe respectively. Finally, the validity of the experimental results is verified by excellent agreement with micromagnetic simulations incorporating the magnetoelastic coupling, which shows that the pinning width is unaffected by the magnetoelastic coupling constant over three orders of magnitude. This finding has implications for the rational design of spintronic devices that involve magnetoelastic effects.



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