首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, D. Atmospheres: JGR >Local and Remote Planetary Wave Effects on Polar Mesospheric Clouds in the Northern Hemisphere in 2014

Local and Remote Planetary Wave Effects on Polar Mesospheric Clouds in the Northern Hemisphere in 2014


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Observations by the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS) instrument on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) satellite show an anomalous decline in Northern Hemisphere polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs) from 26 July to 6 August 2014. The decline is attributed to local warming associated with the quasi-two-day wave and interhemispheric coupling (IHC) triggered by planetary wave breaking in the Antarctic (winter) stratosphere. The results indicate that the IHC in 2014 occurred via a pathway that previous studies have not emphasized. Based on observations from the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and reanalyses from both the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) and the Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM), we argue that a strengthening of the summer easterly jet gave rise to enhanced meridional and vertical shear along its equatorward flank, which supported growth of the two-day wave. The two-day wave led to enhanced meridional mixing in northern midlatitudes and a weakening of the northern branch of the mesospheric residual circulation, reducing ascent and warming the polar summer mesopause. In 2014, the five-day planetary wave modulated the response to IHC such that PMCs persisted in its cold phases even though zonal mean temperatures were too high to support PMCs, and were absent in the warm phases when zonal mean temperatures were low enough to support PMCs.
机译:云成像和粒度(CIPS)仪器对Messphere(AIM)冰(AIM)卫星在北半球卫星的异常下降,从2014年7月26日至8月6日展示了北半球极性态度云(PMC)的异常下降。下降归因于局部变暖与南极(冬季)平流层中的行星波突发引发的拟两日波和互脱斜波(IHC)。结果表明,2014年的IHC通过前一项研究没有强调的途径发生。基于来自Aura微波的观测来自Aura微波笑声(MLS)和Reanalyses,从现代化的研究和应用,版本2(Merra-2)和海军全球环境模型(NAVGEM),我们认为加强夏季复活喷射沿着其赤道的侧翼增强了增强的子午线和垂直剪切,这支持两天波的生长。两天的波浪导致北中位于北部的子宫内混合,并对态化残留循环的北部分支削弱,减少了上升和升温极性夏季化学。 2014年,五天的行星波调节了对IHC的响应,使得PMC在其冷相中持续存在,即使区域平均温度过高而不能支持PMC,并且当区间平均温度足够低时,在温暖的阶段中不存在于温暖的阶段。 PMC。



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