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Airway stents: Current practice and future directions


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Historical evolution of airway stents began with the adaptation of endoprosthesis used in vascular and gastrointestinal procedures. In 1990, Jean-Francois Dumon published the first report of a dedicated silicone airway stent with a unique delivery system that continues to be used nowadays. Since then, additional developments in airway stenting have occurred such as the development of new alloys for self exapandable metallic stents with and without coverings. Stents are currently used for a wide variety of indications such as treatment of benign or malignant tracheobronchial stenosis with good symptom relief, quality of life and performance status scores in patients undergoing treatment for malignant airway involvement. Airway stents are also indicated in selected cases of benign airway obstruction and closure of trachea-esophageal or other types of fistulous tracts involving the central airways. Self-expandable metallic stents offer distinct advantages such as ease of placement, avoidance of use of general anesthetics and specific disadvantages such as granulation tissue formation and difficulty in manipulation and removal after placement. Current challenges in airway stenting include short and long term complications such as migration, granulation tissue, airway secretion management and stent infections. New technology is currently under development including drug-eluting airway stents, biodegradable stents and three-dimensional printing to achieve better conformation to the size and anatomy of the airway.
机译:气道支架的历史发展始于对血管和胃肠道手术中使用的内置假体的适应。在1990年,让·弗朗索瓦·杜蒙(Jean-Francois Dumon)发表了第一篇关于专用硅树脂气道支架的报告,该支架具有独特的输送系统,如今一直在使用。从那时起,气道支架的其他发展就出现了,例如用于带有和不带有覆盖物的自膨胀金属支架的新合金的开发。支架目前用于多种适应症,例如良性或恶性气管支气管狭窄症的治疗,具有良好的症状缓解,生活质量和恶性气道受累治疗患者的表现状态评分。在某些良性气道阻塞和气管食管或其他类型的涉及中央气道的瘘管闭合的病例中,也需要使用气道支架。自膨胀金属支架具有明显的优点,例如易于放置,避免使用全身麻醉剂以及特定的缺点,例如肉芽组织形成以及放置后难以操作和取出。气道支架置入术当前的挑战包括短期和长期并发症,例如迁移,肉芽组织,气道分泌物管理和支架感染。目前正在开发新技术,包括药物洗脱气道支架,可生物降解的支架和三维打印,以更好地适应气道的大小和解剖结构。



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