首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation: Official Journal of the Transplantation Society >Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Subclinical AMR Is Vital for Improving Clinical Outcomes

Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Subclinical AMR Is Vital for Improving Clinical Outcomes


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Despite remarkable improvements in short-term outcomes of kidney grafts over the last decade, long-term outcomes have not significantly changed. About one-third of all transplanted patients will lose their graft within 10 years. We now know that the majority of late allograft loss results from cumulative effects of underlying subacute immunological injury and that such processes often remain undetected until irreversible damage has already occurred. Late irreversible graft failure is typically associated with antibody-mediated responses, which are now the greatest unsolved problem in improving kidney transplant outcomes. None of the current treatment options for clinical antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) (including steroids, plasmapheresis, application of IVIGs or rituximab) have been able to significantly improve outcomes; therefore, new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies are urgently needed.
机译:尽管过去十年的肾移植术短期成果显着改善,但长期成果没有显着改变。 大约三分之一的所有移植的患者将在10年内失去移植物。 我们现在知道大多数晚期同种异体移植损失是由潜在的亚急性免疫伤害的累积影响,并且这种过程通常不会被遗弃,直到已经发生不可逆转的损伤。 晚期不可逆接枝衰竭通常与抗体介导的反应有关,现在是改善肾移植结果的最大未解决的问题。 临床抗体介导的排斥(AMR)(包括类固醇,血浆疫苗,IVIGS或RITUXIMAB的应用)没有目前的治疗方案已经能够显着改善结果; 因此,迫切需要新的诊断和治疗策略。



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