首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet >Effect of integrated responsive stimulation and nutrition interventions in the Lady Health Worker programme in Pakistan on child development, growth, and health outcomes: a cluster-randomised factorial effectiveness trial

Effect of integrated responsive stimulation and nutrition interventions in the Lady Health Worker programme in Pakistan on child development, growth, and health outcomes: a cluster-randomised factorial effectiveness trial


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Background Stimulation and nutrition delivered through health programmes at a large scale could potentially benefit more than 200 million young children worldwide who are not meeting their developmental potential. We investigated the feasibility and effectiveness of the integration of interventions to enhance child development and growth outcomes in the Lady Health Worker (LHW) programme in Sindh, Pakistan.Methods We implemented a community-based cluster-randomised effectiveness trial through the LHW programme in rural Sindh, Pakistan, with a 2x 2 factorial design. We randomly allocated 80 clusters (LHW catchments) of children to receive routine health and nutrition services (controls; n=368), nutrition education and multiple micronutrient powders (enhanced nutrition; n=364), responsive stimulation (responsive stimulation; n=383), or a combination of both enriched interventions (n=374). The allocation ratio was 1:20 (ie, 20 clusters per intervention group). The data collection team were masked to the allocated intervention. All children born in the study area between April, 2009, and March, 2010, were eligible for enrolment if they were up to 2 ? 5 months old without signs of severe impairments.
机译:背景技术通过卫生计划以大规模提供的刺激和营养可能会使全球超过2亿名幼儿受益,该儿童没有满足其发展潜力。我们调查了干预措施整合,以加强Sindh,巴基斯坦卫生工作者(LHW)计划中的儿童发展和成长结果的可行性和有效性。我们通过农村的LHW计划实施了基于社区的聚类随机效果试验巴基斯坦施金,2倍2例造成设计。我们随机分配了80个群集(LHW集水区)的儿童,接受常规健康和营养服务(控制; n = 368),营养教育和多种微量营养粉末(增强营养; n = 364),响应刺激(响应刺激; n = 383 )或富集的干预措施(n = 374)的组合。分配比率为1:20(即每个干预组20个簇)。数据收集团队被屏蔽到分配的干预。 2009年4月至2010年4月至2010年3月的研究区内出生的所有儿童有资格入学,如果他们最多2次? 5个月大,没有严重损伤的迹象。



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