首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physical chemistry, C. Nanomaterials and interfaces >Probing Charge Carrier Dynamics to Unveil the Role of Surface Ligands in HgTe Narrow Band Gap Nanocrystals

Probing Charge Carrier Dynamics to Unveil the Role of Surface Ligands in HgTe Narrow Band Gap Nanocrystals


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Colloidal nano crystals are an interesting platform for the design of low cost optoelectronic devices especially in the infrared range of wavelengths. Mercury chalcogenides have reached high maturity to address wavelengths above the telecom range (1.5 mu m). However, no screening of the surface chemistry influence has been conducted yet. In this paper, we systematically probe the influence of a series of ligands, Cl-, SCN-, 1,2-ethanedithiol, 1,4-benzenedithiol, 1-octanethiol, 1-butanethiol, As2S3, and S2-, On the photoconductive properties of HgTe nanocrystal thin films. A high bandwidth, large dynamic transient photocurrent setup is used to determine the photocarrier dynamics. Two regimes are clearly identified. At the early stage (few nanoseconds) a fast decay of the photocurrent is resulting from recombination and trapping. Then transport enters in a multiple trapping regime where carriers present a continuously decreasing effective value of their mobility. The power law dependence of the conductance can be used to estimate the trap carrier density and determine the value of the Urbach energy (35-50 meV). We demonstrate that a proper choice of ligand is necessary for a trade-off between the material performance (mu tau product) and the quality of the surface passivation (to keep a low Urbach energy).
机译:胶体纳米晶体是一种有趣的平台,用于设计低成本的光电器件,尤其是在红外波长范围内。汞硫属元素化物已经达到高分成熟度,以解决电信范围(1.5亩)以上的波长。然而,已经没有进行表面化学影响的筛选。在本文中,我们系统地探讨了一系列配体,Cl-,ScN-,1,2-乙二醇,1,4-苯二硫醇,1-辛烷硫醇,1-丁硫醇,As2S3和S2-,在光电导中的影响HGTE纳米晶体薄膜的性质。高带宽,大动态瞬态光电流设置用于确定光载波动态。清楚地确定了两个制度。在早期阶段(少数纳秒),光电流的快速衰减是由重组和捕获产生的。然后运输在多个捕获状态中进入,其中载波呈现其移动性的有效值的连续降低。电导率的幂律依赖性可用于估计陷阱载波密度并确定URBACH能量(35-50meV)的值。我们证明,材料性能(MU TAU产品)与表面钝化质量之间的权衡是必要的配体选择的配体是必要的,以便进行表面钝化的质量(以保持低urbach能量)。



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