首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Female sex-associated RAPD marker in pointed gourd (Trichosanthes diocia Roxb.)

Female sex-associated RAPD marker in pointed gourd (Trichosanthes diocia Roxb.)

机译:尖刺葫芦中的女性与性别相关的RAPD标记(Trichosanthes diocia Roxb。)

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Pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.), a perennial vegetable crop is cultivated widely in West Bengal, Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. It is one of the most nutritive cucurbit vegetables highly used in India due to its availability for about eight months in a year. Pointed gourd is morphologically distinct from the other cucurbitaceous species due to its well-established dioecism (Figure 1) and vegetative means of propagation. In the plant kingdom dioecy is found only approximately in 4 percent of the angiosperm. Dioecism has arisen independently in different families and genera, and several distinct genetic mechanisms regulating dioecy have been found in different plant species. In contrast to the situation found in most animals, where highly differentiated sex chromosomes typically control dioecy, chromosomal heteromorphism isthe exception, rather than rule in dioecious plant species. The presence of sex chromosome has been claimed for some dioecious angiosperms, but only in few cases have these claims been documented3-5. More often the sex ratio in dioeceous plant species is controlled by the expression of allele at one to several locit. In T. dioica, the male and female plants strictly maintain their respective sexual phenotypes. This indicates clear genetic basis of difference between male and female individuals of this species. Pointed-gourd breeding programme has recently been initiated to develop new cultivars. Dioecy represents an inconvenience in pointed-gourd breeding. Currently there is no method for distinguishing between male and female plantlets prior to flowering in T. dioica. A method to determine the gender of plants before flowering would facilitate breeding and selection, by enabling screening for gender at an early stage, thereby simplifying the breeding of male and female plants for different objectives, and saving time and economic resources. Hence the present investigation was carried out to understand the molecular basis of differentiation between male and female genotypes based on RAPD markers.
机译:尖头葫芦(Trichosanthes dioica Roxb。),一种多年生蔬菜,广泛种植在西孟加拉邦,比哈尔邦和北方邦东部。它是印度最常用的最营养的葫芦类蔬菜之一,因为它一年可食用约八个月。尖尖的葫芦在形态上与其他葫芦科物种截然不同,这是由于其良好的二元论(图1)和无性繁殖方式。在植物界中,仅在被子植物的4%中发现了雌雄异株。双生生物已经独立地出现在不同的科和属中,并且在不同的植物物种中发现了几种不同的调控双生的遗传机制。与大多数动物的情况相反,在大多数动物中,高度分化的性染色体通常控制雌雄异株,而染色体异质性是例外,而不是雌雄异株的规则。对于一些雌雄异体的被子植物,已经声称存在性染色体,但只有少数情况记录了这些说法3-5。更常见的是,雌雄同株植物中的性别比是由等位基因在一个或几个局部的表达来控制的。在T. dioica中,雄性和雌性植物严格维持其各自的性表型。这表明该物种的男性和女性个体之间存在差异的明确遗传基础。最近启动了尖头gou鱼育种计划,以开发新品种。雌雄同体代表尖刺金枪鱼育种的不便。当前,没有方法可以在T. dioica开花之前区分雄株和雌株。一种在开花前确定植物性别的方法,可以通过在早期进行性别筛选,从而促进育种和选择,从而简化了针对不同目标的雄性和雌性植物的育种,并节省了时间和经济资源。因此,本研究旨在了解基于RAPD标记的男性和女性基因型差异的分子基础。



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