首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, D >Fundamental relations between measurement, radiation, and decoherence in gravitational wave laser interferometer detectors

Fundamental relations between measurement, radiation, and decoherence in gravitational wave laser interferometer detectors


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As laser interferometer gravitational wave (GW) detectors become quantum noise dominated, understanding the fundamental limit on measurement sensitivity imposed by quantum uncertainty is crucial to guide the search for further noise reduction. Recent efforts have included applying ideas from quantum information theory to GW detection—specifically the quantum Cramer-Rao bound, which is a minimum bound on error in parameter estimation using a quantum state and is determined by the state’s quantum Fisher information (QFI) with respect to the parameter [Helstrom, J. Stat. Phys. 1, 231 (1969)]. Identifying the QFI requires knowing the interaction between the quantum probe and the signal, which was rigorously derived for GWinterferometer detectors in Pang and Chen [Phys. Rev. D 98, 124006 (2018)]. In this paper, we calculate the QFI and fundamental quantum limit (FQL) for GW detection, and furthermore we derive explicit reciprocity relations involving the QFI that summarize information exchange between the detector and a surrounding weak quantum GW field. Specifically, we show that the GW power radiation by the detector’s quantum fluctuations are proportional to the QFI, and therefore are inversely proportional to its FQL. Similarly, the detector’s decoherence rate in a white noise GW bath can be explicitly related to the QFI/FQL. These relations are fundamental and appear generalizable to a broader class of quantum measurement systems.
机译:随着激光干涉仪的重力波(GW)探测器成为量子噪声主导,了解量子不确定度施加的测量灵敏度的基本限制对于指导寻求进一步降噪来指导。最近的努力包括将思想从量子信息理论应用于GW检测 - 特别是Quantum Cramer-Rao绑定,这是使用量子状态的参数估计中误差的最小界限,并且由状态的量子Fisher信息(QFI)决定参数[Helstrom,J. stat。物理。 1,231(1969)]。识别QFI需要了解量子探头和信号之间的相互作用,这对于庞和陈氏的Gwterferometer探测器严格地导出了严格导出的[物理。 Rev. D 98,124006(2018)]。在本文中,我们计算了GW检测的QFI和基本量子限制(FQL),此外,我们推出了涉及QFI的显式互惠关系,总结了探测器与周围弱量子GW场之间的信息交换。具体地,我们表明,探测器的量子波动的GW功率辐射与QFI成比例,因此与其FQL成反比。类似地,探测器在白噪声GW浴中的脱机速率可以明确地与QFI / FQL相关。这些关系是基本的,看起来更广泛地是一类更广泛的量子测量系统。



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