首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A >Many-body quantum optics with decaying atomic spin states: (γ , κ) Dickemodel

Many-body quantum optics with decaying atomic spin states: (γ , κ) Dickemodel


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We provide a theory for quantum-optical realizations of the open Dicke model with internal, atomic spin states subject to spontaneous emission with rate γ . This introduces a second decay channel for excitations to irreversibly dissipate into the environment, in addition to the photon loss with rate κ, which is composed of individual atomic decay processes and a collective atomic decay mechanism. The strength of the latter is determined by the cavity geometry. We compute the mean-field nonequilibrium steady states for spin and photon observables in the long-time limit, t →∞. Although γ does not conserve the total angular momentum of the spin array, we argue that our solution is exact in the thermodynamic limit for the number of atoms N →∞. In light of recent and upcoming experiments realizing superradiant phase transitions using internal atomic states with pinned atoms in optical lattices, our work lays the foundation for the pursuit of a new class of open quantum magnets coupled to quantum light.



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