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Temperature control in TTFields therapy of GBM: impact on the duty cycle and tissue temperature

机译:GBM TTFIELDS治疗中的温度控制:对占空比和组织温度的影响

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In TTFields therapy, Optune(& xfffd;) is used to deliver the electric field to the tumor via 4 transducer arrays. This device monitors the temperature of the transducers and reduces the current whenever a transducer reaches 41 & xfffd;C. Our aim is to quantify Optune?s duty cycle and to predict the steady-state temperature distribution in the head during GBM treatment. We used a realistic head model and the finite element method to solve Pennes equation and to simulate how Optune operates considering that current reduces to zero when the thermal limit is reached. The thermal impact was evaluated considering the maximum temperature reached by each tissue and using the CEM 43 & xfffd;C metric. We observed that Optune switches the current on and off intermittently. In our model, one transducer reached the temperature limit quicker than the others and consequently it was the one that controlled current injection. This led to different duty cycles for the anterior?posterior and left?right array pairs. The thermal analysis indicated that the highest temperature in the model, 41.7 & xfffd;C, was reached on the scalp under a transducer. However, TTFields may lead to significant changes only at the brain level such as BBB permeability increase, cerebral blood flow variation and changes in the concentration of some neurotransmitters. The duty cycle may be increased, e.g. by controlling the current at the transducer level. These predictions should be validated by comparison with experimental data and reconciled with the lack of evidence of thermal impact in clinical trials.
机译:在TTFIELDS疗法中,使用OPTUNE(XFFFD;)用于通过4换能器阵列将电场输送到肿瘤。该装置监控换能器的温度,每当换能器到达41&xFFFD时,请减少电流; C。我们的宗旨是量化Optune占空比,并在GBM处理期间预测头部稳态温度分布。我们使用了一个现实的头部模型和有限元方法来解决佩尼斯方程,并模拟optime考虑到达到热限时的电流减小到零。考虑到每个组织达到的最高温度并使用CEM 43和XFFFD; C度量,评估热冲击; C度量。我们观察到,Optune间歇地开启和关闭电流。在我们的模型中,一个换能器比其他换能器更快地达到温度限制,因此它是控制电流注入的温度。这导致了前后的不同占职循环?左右?右数组对。热分析表明,在换能器下,在头皮上达到了模型中的最高温度41.7和XFFFD; C。然而,TTFIELDS只有在诸如BBB渗透性增加,脑血流变化和一些神经递质浓度的变化的大脑水平上仅发生重大变化。占空比可以增加,例如,通过控制换能器级别的电流。应通过与实验数据进行比较来验证这些预测,并与临床试验中缺乏热影响的证据进行调整。



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