首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >Regionalized modeling approach of tool influence function in magnetorheological finishing process for aspherical optics

Regionalized modeling approach of tool influence function in magnetorheological finishing process for aspherical optics


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The tool influence function of magnetorheological finishing which is widely used in optical machining due to its high efficiency and determinism, directly affects the final processing effect of optical components. Due to the existence of curvature effect in magnetorheological finishing, the existing tool influence function models cannot predict the tool influence functions of various positions in the machining process of aspheric or free-form components. Viewing this, this paper carried out the correlation analysis of the tool influence function models corresponding to different types of components and presented a novel interactive regionalized modeling approach of tool influence function for the processing of aspherical optics. Tool influence function was modelled based on the regionalization of component and the solution of the nearest spherical radius. The verification experiments show that the simulated tool influence functions based on this model agree well with the actual measured tool influence functions. Therefore, the modeling method proposed in this paper can effectively obtain the aspheric tool influence functions and accurately predict the material removal in magnetorheological finishing.



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