首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Pregnancy outcomes with weight gain above or below the 2009 institute of medicine guidelines

Pregnancy outcomes with weight gain above or below the 2009 institute of medicine guidelines


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To the Editor:In Johnson and colleagues' excellent study, women who gained more weight than recommended were at 50% increased risk for cesarean delivery and gestational hypertension and preeclampsia combined (although the proportion of indicated preterm births remained unchanged: 2.9% compared with 2.7%, P=.671), and they were at a twofold greater risk for having large-for-gesta-tional-age (LGA) neonates. However, they also had a 37% and 16% lower risk of giving birth to small-for-gestational-age (SGA) and preterm (7.5% compared with 9.0%, P= .028) neonates, respectively. The authors estimate that if all pregnant women in the United States had actually gained within or under the guidelines (not only within, as incorrectly noted), there would be 342,000, 273,000, and 201,000 fewer cases of pregnancy hypertensive disorders, cesarean deliveries, and LGA neonates annually, respectively. However, it should be mentioned that there would also be 46,000 and 197,000 more preterm and SGA neonates, respectively. Considering that the former results are obtained from a cohort of women
机译:致编辑:在约翰逊和同事的良好的学习,谁获得了超过推荐更多的重量妇女的50%增加了剖宫产和妊娠期高血压和先兆子痫联合风险(尽管指示早产的比例不变:与2.7相比,2.9% %,p = .671),它们是具有大于gesta-tional-trious-yeg(LGA)新生儿的大规模风险。然而,它们还有37%和16%的风险降低了胎龄(SGA)和早产(7.5%,与9.0%,P = .028)新生儿。作者估计,如果美国的所有孕妇实际上在指南中或根据不当的情况下(不仅在错误指出)中,则会有342,000,273,000和201,000例怀孕高血压障碍,剖腹产和LGA每年新生儿。但是,应该提到的是,分别还有46,000和197,000多个早产和SGA新生儿。考虑到以前的结果是从女性队列获得的



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