首页> 外文期刊>NeuroImage >A transferable high-intensity intermittent exercise improves executive performance in association with dorsolateral prefrontal activation in young adults

A transferable high-intensity intermittent exercise improves executive performance in association with dorsolateral prefrontal activation in young adults


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Although growing attention has been drawn to attainable, high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIE)-based intervention, which can improve cardiovascular and metabolic health, for sedentary individuals, there is limited information on the impact and potential benefit of an easily attainable HIE intervention for cognitive health. We aimed to reveal how acute HIE affects executive function focusing on underlying neural substrates. To address this issue, we examined the effects of acute HIE on executive function using the color-word matching Stroop task (CWST), which produces a cognitive conflict in the decision-making process, and its neural substrate using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Twenty-five sedentary young adults (mean age: 21.0 +/- 1.6 years; 9 females) participated in two counter-balanced sessions: HIE and resting control. The HIE session consisted of two minutes of warm-up exercise (50 W load at 60 rpm) and eight sets of 30 s of cycling exercise at 60% of maximal aerobic power (mean: 127 W +/- 29.5 load at 100 rpm) followed by 30 s of rest on a recumbent-ergometer. Participants performed a CWST before and after the 10-minute exercise session, during both of which cortical hemodynamic changes in the prefrontal cortex were monitored using fNIRS. Acute HIE led to improved Stroop performance reflected by a shortening of the response time related to Stroop interference. It also evoked cortical activation related to Stroop interference on the left-dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which corresponded significantly with improved executive performance. These results provide the first empirical evidence using a neuroimaging method, to our knowledge, that acute HIE improves executive function, probably mediated by increased activation of the task-related area of the prefrontal cortex including the left-DLPFC.
机译:虽然已经越来越高的注意力达到了可达到的,高强度间歇性运动(HIE)的干预,但可改善心血管和代谢健康,对于久坐的人,有关易于达到的HIE干预的易受影响和潜在利益的信息有限认知健康。我们旨在揭示急性HIE如何影响专注于底层神经基质的行政功能。为了解决这个问题,我们检查了急性HIE对执行功能的效果,使用色字匹配的Troop任务(CWST),在决策过程中产生认知冲突,并使用近红外光谱(FNIR) )。二十五个久坐不动的年轻人(平均年龄:21.0 +/- 1.6岁; 9名女性)参加了两个反平衡的会话:HIE和休息控制。 HIE会议由两分钟的预热运动(50 rpm负载)和8套30套的循环运动,60%以最大好氧功率(平均:127 W +/- 29.5负载,100 rpm)然后在卧式计时器上休息30岁。参与者在10分钟的运动会之前和之后进行了CWST,在使用FNIR监测前额叶皮质的皮质血流动力学变化。急性HIE导致通过缩短与Tloop干扰相关的响应时间来改进的速率性能。它还引起了与左侧横向前额外皮层(DLPFC)上的速率干扰相关的皮质激活,这与提高的执行性能有显着相对应。这些结果提供了使用神经影像学方法的第一个经验证据,以我们的知识,即急性HIE改善了执行功能,可能是通过增加前额外皮层的任务相关区域的增加的激活来介导的,包括左DLPFC。



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