首页> 外文期刊>Biochemical Engineering Journal >Optimal aeration control of industrial alternating activated sludge plants

Optimal aeration control of industrial alternating activated sludge plants


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The operation of wastewater treatment plants is challenging for many small communities for economical and technical reasons.In this work,optimal control of the aeration system is considered to improve the efficiency and reliability of the activated sludge process,with application to an industrial alternating activated sludge(AAS)treatment plant.Two problems are formulated:the first one deals with the minimization of nitrogen discharge and the second one addresses the minimization of the energy consumption.In either cases,special emphasis is placed on the long-term behavior of the treatment plant in order to ensure that the optimal aeration strategies are safe and durable from the process point of view.Their solutions show that significant improvements can be achieved with respect to the current aeration strategy,with reductions up to 37% for the first problem and around 27% for the second one.Large performance improvements are also obtained when comparing the optimal aeration strategies to a conventional oxygen-based controller.
机译:由于经济和技术原因,废水处理厂的运营对于许多小社区而言都是具有挑战性的。在这项工作中,考虑对曝气系统进行最佳控制以提高活性污泥工艺的效率和可靠性,并将其应用于工业交替活性污泥中。 (AAS)处理厂。提出了两个问题:第一个问题涉及氮排放的最小化,第二个问题涉及能源消耗的最小化。在这两种情况下,都特别强调处理的长期行为他们的解决方案表明,相对于当前的曝气策略,可以实现显着的改进,对于第一个问题及其附近地区,最多可减少37%的排放量。第二种为27%。当比较最佳的曝气策略时,也可实现较大的性能提升到传统的基于氧气的控制器。



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