首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Science and Pollution Research >Hydrogeochemical characterization of the thermal springs in northeastern of Los Cabos Block, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Hydrogeochemical characterization of the thermal springs in northeastern of Los Cabos Block, Baja California Sur, Mexico

机译:Los Cabos Block东北部热弹簧的水力代科学表征,墨西哥Baja California Sur

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The existence of hot springs in the northeastern part of Los Cabos Baja California Sur (BCS), is known from preHispanic times, but their hydrochemical composition had not been previously described. Several springs are located within the watershed of Santiago, and the objective of this study was to define the hydrogeochemical composition of the thermal springs and to characterize the geothermal reservoir. A total of 16 water samples were taken in 11 geothermal manifestations under dry (June 2014) and humid (March 2015) conditions. A geothermal system of low enthalpy and low mineralization was found along the San Jos del Cabo Fault (FSJC), with an average salinity (TDS) of 261 mg/L and an alkaline pH (8.5-9.5). The hydrogeochemical composition corresponds to the sodium-bicarbonate type, and geothermometers (silica and Na-K) indicate temperatures ranging from 70 to 115 degrees C for the deep thermal reservoir in conditions of equilibrium. The thermal springs with these hydrogeochemical characteristics differ in respect to the hydrochemical composition of the springs, formally described on several sites of BCS. Br/Cl and B/Cl ratios as well as the enrichment factor (EF) indicate that rainwater with a seawater component represents the source of the thermal spring water. In the springs, a mixture between thermal water and surface water is observed, combined with a relatively deep water circulation, allowing a calcium-sodium exchange, according to the host rock geochemistry. The higher temperatures found at some hot springs are related to the main trace of the San Jos del Cabo Fault.
机译:在洛斯卡斯·巴哈加州苏尔(BCS)东北部的热弹簧的存在是从前的时间内熟知的,但前面没有描述它们的水化工学。几个泉水位于圣地亚哥的流域内,本研究的目的是定义热弹簧的水文化学组成,并表征地热储层。在干燥(2014年6月)和潮湿(2015年3月)条件下,共有16种水样中的11种水样。沿San Jos Del Cabo故障(FSJC)发现了低焓和低矿化的地热系统,平均盐度(TDS)为261mg / L和碱性pH(8.5-9.5)。水力地理组合物对应于碳酸氢钠类型,地热测定仪(二氧化硅和Na-K)表示在平衡条件下为深热储层的70至115摄氏度范围为70至115摄氏度。具有这些水文层的热弹簧相对于弹簧的水化学组成不同,在该BCS的几个位点上正式描述。 Br / Cl和B / Cl比以及富集因子(EF)表明具有海水部件的雨水代表热弹簧水的来源。根据主体岩石地球化学,观察到热水和地表水之间的混合物,与相对深水循环结合,允许钙钠交换。在一些温泉中发现的较高温度与San Jos del Cabo故障的主要轨迹有关。



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