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Electric bicycle cost calculation models and analysis based on the social perspective in China


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Electric bicycles (EBs) are increasingly popular around the world. In April 2014, EB ownership in China reached 181 million. While some aspects of the impact of EBs have been studied, most of the literature analyzing the cost of EBs has been conducted from the buyer’s point of view and the perspective of social cost has not been covered, which is therefore the focus of this paper. From the consumer’s point of view, only the costs paid from purchase until retirement are included in the cost of EBs, i.e., the EB acquisition cost, battery replacement cost, charging cost, and repair and maintenance cost are included. Considered from the perspective of the social cost (including impact on the environment), costs that are not paid directly by consumers should also be included in the cost of EBs, i.e., the lead-acid battery scrap processing cost, the cost of pollution caused by wastewater, and the traffic-related costs. Data are obtained from secondary sources and surveys, and calculations demonstrate that in the life cycle of an EB, the consumer cost is 6386.2 CNY, the social cost is 10,771.2 CNY, and the ratio of consumer to social cost is 1:1.69. By comparison, the ratio for motor vehicles is 1:1.06, so that the share of the life cycle cost of EBs that is not borne by the consumer is much higher than that for motor vehicles, which needs to be addressed.
机译:电动自行车(EBS)越来越受到世界各地的流行。 2014年4月,中国的EB所有权达到1.81亿。虽然EBS的影响的某些方面已经研究过,但是从买方的角度来看,分析EBS成本的大多数文献都是从买方的观点进行的,并且尚未涵盖社会成本的角度,因此是本文的重点。从消费者的角度来看,只有从购买到退休的费用都包含在EBS的成本中,即EB收购成本,电池更换成本,充电成本和维修和维修费用。从社会成本(包括对环境的影响)的角度考虑,消费者直接支付的成本也应包括在EBS的成本中,即铅酸电池废料处理成本,污染成本造成的通过废水和与流量相关的成本。数据是从二级来源和调查获得的,并且计算证明,在EB的生命周期中,消费者成本为6386.2人民币,社会成本为10,771.2人民币,消费者与社会成本的比例为1:1.69。相比之下,机动车辆的比率为1:1.06,因此消费者未承担的EB的生命周期成本的份额远远高于需要解决的机动车。



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