首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Science and Pollution Research >Long-term laboratory culture causes contrasting shifts in tolerance to two marine pollutants in copepods of the genus Tigriopus

Long-term laboratory culture causes contrasting shifts in tolerance to two marine pollutants in copepods of the genus Tigriopus

机译:长期实验室培养导致对<重点=“斜体”> Tigriopus

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AbstractOrganismal chemical tolerance is often used to assess ecological risk and monitor water quality, yet tolerance can differ between field- and lab-raised organisms. In this study, we examined how tolerance to copper (Cu) and tributyltin oxide (TBTO) in two species of marine copepods,Tigriopus japonicusandT.californicus, changed across generations under benign laboratory culture (in the absence of pre-exposure to chemicals). Both copepod species exhibited similar chemical-specific changes in tolerance, with laboratory maintenance resulting in increased Cu tolerance and decreased TBTO tolerance. To assess potential factors underlying these patterns, chemical tolerance was measured in conjunction with candidate environmental variables (temperature, UV radiation, diet type, and starvation). The largest chemical-specific effect was found for starvation, which decreased TBTO tolerance but had no effect on Cu tolerance. Understanding how chemical-specific tolerance can change in the laboratory will be critical in strengthening bioassays and their applications for environmental protection and chemical management.]]>
机译:<![CDATA [<摘要ID =“ABS1”语言=“EN”OUTPORMEDIUM =“全部”> <标题>抽象 机器人化学耐受通常用于评估生态风险和监测水质,耐受性可能在现场和实验室升高的生物之间有所不同。在这项研究中,我们检查了两种海洋桡足类铜(Cu)和氧化丁蛋白(TBTO)的耐受性,<重点型=“斜体”> Tigriopus japonicus 和<重点型=“斜体”> t 。<重点类型=“斜体”>加利福尼亚语,在良性实验室文化下的几代改变(在没有预接触化学物质的情况下)。两种桡足类物种都表现出类似的耐受性的化学特异性变化,实验室维持导致Cu耐受性增加和降低的耐受性。为了评估这些模式的潜在因素,与候选环境变量(温度,紫外线辐射,饮食和饥饿)结合测量化学耐受性。发现最大的化学效果是饥饿,这降低了耐受性,但对Cu耐受性没有影响。了解化学特异性耐受如何在实验室发生变化将是强化生物测定和环境保护和化学管理的应用。 ]]>



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