首页> 外文期刊>Culture, medicine and psychiatry >Treating Emotion-Related Disorders in Japanese Traditional Medicine: Language, Patients and Doctors

Treating Emotion-Related Disorders in Japanese Traditional Medicine: Language, Patients and Doctors


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This paper analyses how the conceptual and therapeutic formation of Japanese traditional medicine (Kampo) has been socially constructed through interactions with popular interpretations of illness. Taking the example of emotion-related disorders, this paper focuses on the changing meaning of constraint (utsu) in Kampo medicine. Utsu was once a name for one of the most frequently cited emotion-related disorders and pathological concerns during the Edo period. With the spread of Western medicine in the Meiji period, neurasthenia replaced utsu as the dominant emotion-related disorder in Japanese society. As a result, post-Meiji doctors developed other conceptual tools and strategies to respond to these new disease categories, innovations that continue to influence contemporary practitioners. I begin this history by focusing on Wada Tōkaku, a Japanese doctor of the Edo period who developed a unique theory and treatment strategy for utsu. Secondly, I examine. Yomuto Kyūshin and Mori Dōhaku, Kampo doctors of the early twentieth century, who privileged neurasthenia over utsu in their medical practice. The paper concludes with a discussion of the flexibility and complexity of Kampo medicine, how its theory and practices have been influenced by cross-cultural changes in medicine and society, while incorporating the popular experience of illness as well.
机译:本文分析了日本传统医学(Kampo)的概念和治疗形式是如何通过与流行的疾病解释进行互动而在社会上构建的。以情绪相关疾病为例,本文着眼于汉方医学中约束(utsu)的变化含义。 Utsu曾经是江户时代最常被提及的与情绪相关的疾病和病理问题之一的名称。随着明治时代西医的普及,神经衰弱取代了宇津,成为日本社会中与情感有关的主要疾病。结果,明治后的医生们开发了其他概念工具和策略来应对这些新的疾病类别,这些创新继续影响着当代从业者。首先,我将重点介绍江户时代的日本医生WadaTōkaku,他为utsu开发了独特的理论和治疗策略。其次,我检查。二十世纪初的Kampo医生YomutoKyūshin和MoriDōhaku在医疗实践中将神经衰弱归咎于utsu。本文最后讨论了坎波医学的灵活性和复杂性,探讨了其理论和实践如何受到医学和社会的跨文化变化的影响,同时也结合了疾病的流行经验。



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