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'Thinking a Lot' Among the Khwe of South Africa: A Key Idiom of Personal and Interpersonal Distress


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"Thinking too much", and variations such as "thinking a lot", are common idioms of distress across the world. The contextual meaning of this idiom of distress in particular localities remains largely unknown. This paper reports on a systematic study of the content and cause, consequences, and social response and coping related to the local terms |x'an n|a te and |eu-ca n|a te, both translated as "thinking a lot", and was part of a larger ethnographic study among the Khwe of South Africa. Semi-structured exploratory interviews with community members revealed that "thinking a lot" refers to a common experience of reflecting on personal and interpersonal problems. Consequences were described in emotional, psychological, social, behavioral, and physical effects. Coping strategies included social support, distraction, and religious practices. Our contextualized approach revealed meanings and experiences of "thinking a lot" that go beyond a psychological state or psychopathology. The common experience of "thinking a lot" is situated in socio-political, economic, and social context that reflect the marginalized and displaced position of the Khwe. We argue that "thinking a lot" and associated local meanings may vary across settings, may not necessarily indicate psychopathology, and should be understood in individual, interpersonal, community, and socio-political dimensions.
机译:“想得太多”和诸如“想得太多”之类的变体是全世界困扰的常见成语。在特定地区,这种苦难成语的上下文含义在很大程度上仍然未知。本文系统地研究了与当地术语| x'an n | a te和| eu-ca n | a te相关的内容,原因,后果,社会应对和应对方法,它们都翻译为“思考很多” ”,并且是南非科威人中较大的人种志研究的一部分。与社区成员进行的半结构化探索性访谈显示,“思考很多”是指反思个人和人际关系问题的常见经验。结果在情感,心理,社会,行为和身体影响方面都有描述。应对策略包括社会支持,分心和宗教习惯。我们的情境化方法揭示了超越思维状态或心理病理学的“思考很多”的含义和经验。 “思考很多”的共同经验是在社会政治,经济和社会背景下进行的,反映了科威特的边缘化和流离失所地位。我们认为,“思考很多”和相关的局部含义可能会因环境而异,不一定表示心理病理,应该在个人,人际关系,社区和社会政治维度上加以理解。



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