首页> 外文期刊>Culture, medicine and psychiatry >A Doctor's Testimony: Medical Neutrality and the Visibility of Palestinian Grievances in Jewish-Israeli Publics

A Doctor's Testimony: Medical Neutrality and the Visibility of Palestinian Grievances in Jewish-Israeli Publics


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This paper follows the testimony of Izzeldin Abuelaish, a Palestinian physician who bears witness to his experiences working, living, and suffering under Israeli rule. He presents his story as a doctor's story, drawing on his identity as a medical professional to gain credibility and visibility and to challenge the limited legitimacy of Palestinian grievances. In this paper, I explore his testimony as a medical voice that at once recounts the suffering and loss endured by the Palestinian people and also struggles to negotiate the values associated with being a "reliable" witness. Consequently, I ethnographically examine the social life and reception of his story in Jewish-Israeli publics. In comparison with most Palestinian narratives, Abuelaish's testimony achieved an extremely rare degree of visibility and sympathy, a phenomenon that calls out for analysis. I identify the boundaries that typically render Palestinian grievances invisible to Israeli publics and suggest how medicine's self-proclaimed ethos of neutrality served as a channel for crossing them. Finally, I reflect on the political possibilities and limitations of medical witnessing to render suffering visible and arouse compassion toward those construed as a dangerous/enemy Other.
机译:本文遵循的是巴勒斯坦医生伊泽尔丁·阿布莱什(Izzeldin Abuelaish)的证词,他见证了他在以色列统治下工作,生活和苦难的经历。他将自己的故事讲成医生的故事,利用他作为医疗专业人员的身份来获得信誉和知名度,并挑战巴勒斯坦人的不满合法性。在本文中,我将探讨他的证词,作为一种医学声音,它立即叙述了巴勒斯坦人民遭受的苦难和损失,并且还努力谈判与成为“可靠”证人有关的价值观。因此,我从人种学角度研究了犹太人和以色列人的社交生活和他的故事的接受度。与大多数巴勒斯坦人的叙述相比,阿布埃拉什的证词获得了极为罕见的可见度和同情心,这一现象需要分析。我确定了通常使以色列民众看不见巴勒斯坦人的不满的界限,并提出了医学自称为中立性的精神如何作为跨越它们的渠道。最后,我反思了医学见证在政治上的可能性和局限性,使人们对被视为危险/敌对者的痛苦可见并引起同情。



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