首页> 外文期刊>Culture, medicine and psychiatry >Blood Libel Rebooted: Traditional Scapegoats, Online Media, and the H1N1 Epidemic

Blood Libel Rebooted: Traditional Scapegoats, Online Media, and the H1N1 Epidemic

机译:重新启动了Blood Libel:传统的替罪羊,在线媒体和H1N1流行病

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This study of comments posted on major French print and TV media websites during the H1N1 epidemic illustrates the relationship between the traditional media and social media in responding to an emerging disease. A disturbing "geography of blame" was observed suggesting the metamorphosis of the folk-devil phenomenon to the Internet. We discovered a subterranean discourse about the putative origins and "objectives" of the H1N1 virus, which was absent from the discussions in mainstream television channels and large-circulation print media. These online rumours attributed hidden motives to governments, pharmaceutical companies, and figures of Otherness that were scapegoated in the social history of previous European epidemics, notably Freemasons and Jews.



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