首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter >Effects of hydrostatic pressure on the electron g(parallel to) factor and g-factor anisotropy in GaAs-(Ga, Al) As quantum wells under magnetic fields

Effects of hydrostatic pressure on the electron g(parallel to) factor and g-factor anisotropy in GaAs-(Ga, Al) As quantum wells under magnetic fields


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The hydrostatic-pressure effects on the electron-effective Lande g(parallel to) factor and g-factor anisotropy in semiconductor GaAs-Ga1-xAlxAs quantum wells under magnetic fields are studied. The g(parallel to) factor is computed by considering the non-parabolicity and anisotropy of the conduction band through the Ogg-McCombe effective Hamiltonian, and numerical results are displayed as functions of the applied hydrostatic pressure, magnetic fields, and quantum-well widths. Good agreement between theoretical results and experimental measurements in GaAs-(Ga, Al) As quantum wells for the electron g factor and g-factor anisotropy at low values of the applied magnetic field and in the absence of hydrostatic pressure is obtained. Present results open up new possibilities for manipulating the electron-effective g factor in semiconductor heterostructures.



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