首页> 外文期刊>Current hypertension reports. >MEthods of ASsessing blood pressUre: identifying thReshold and target valuEs (MeasureBP): A Review & Study Protocol

MEthods of ASsessing blood pressUre: identifying thReshold and target valuEs (MeasureBP): A Review & Study Protocol


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Despite progress in automated blood pressure measurement (BPM) technology, there is limited research linking hard outcomes to automated office BPM (OBPM) treatment targets and thresholds. Equivalences for automated BPM devices have been estimated from approximations of standardized manual measurements of 140/90 mmHg. Until outcome-driven targets and thresholds become available for automated measurement methods, deriving evidence-based equivalences between automated methods and standardized manual OBPM is the next best solution. The MeasureBP study group was initiated by the Canadian Hypertension Education Program to close this critical knowledge gap. MeasureBP aims to define evidence-based equivalent values between standardized manual OBPM and automated BPM methods by synthesizing available evidence using a systematic review and individual subject-level data meta-analyses. This manuscript provides a review of the literature and MeasureBP study protocol. These results will lay the evidenced-based foundation to resolve uncertainties within blood pressure guidelines which, in turn, will improve the management of hypertension.
机译:尽管在自动血压测量(BPM)技术方面取得了进步,但将硬性结果与自动办公室BPM(OBPM)治疗目标和阈值联系起来的研究仍然有限。根据标准的140/90 mmHg手动测量值,可以估算出自动BPM设备的等效性。在以结果为导向的目标和阈值可用于自动化测量方法之前,在自动化方法和标准化手动OBPM之间获得基于证据的等效项是下一个最佳解决方案。 MeasureBP研究小组是由加拿大高血压教育计划发起的,旨在弥合这一关键的知识鸿沟。 MeasureBP的目的是通过使用系统评价和单个受试者水平的数据荟萃分析来合成可用证据,从而在标准化手动OBPM和自动BPM方法之间定义基于证据的等效值。该手稿对文献和MeasureBP研究方案进行了回顾。这些结果将为解决血压指南中的不确定性奠定基础,从而改善高血压的管理。


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