
photoluminescence properties of Yb~(2+) in CaAlSiN3 as a novel red-emitting phosphor for white LEDs


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This paper reports on the diffuse reflection spectra, photoluminescence spectra and chromaticity of ytterbium in CaAlSiN3 at room temperature. It can be excited efficiently over a broad spectral range between 280 and 580 nm and exhibits a single intense red emission at 629 nm with a full width at half maximum of 75 nm due to the electronic transitions from the excited state of 4f~(13)5d to the ground state 4f~(14) of Yb~(2+).Thelow energy of Yb~(2+) emission in CaAlSiN3 can be attributed to the large nephelauxetic effect and crystal field splitting due to the coordination of Yb~(2+) by nitrogen. This novel developed CaAlSiN3:Yb~(2+), which is the first Yb~(2+)-activated nitride red-emitting phosphor, has potential applications in spectral conversion materials for warm-white LEDs. The width of the emission band, Stokes shift and thermal quenching mechanism of Yb~(2+) in CaAlSiN3 and (oxy)nitride-based phosphors are discussed and compared with those of Eu~(2+).
机译:本文报道了室温下CaAlSiN3中tter的漫反射光谱,光致发光光谱和色度。它可以在280至580 nm的宽光谱范围内有效激发,并且由于从4f〜(13)的激发态发生电子跃迁,因此在629 nm处呈现出强烈的红色发射,其半峰全宽为75 nm。 5d到Yb〜(2+)的基态4f〜(14).CaAlSiN3中Yb〜(2+)发射的低能量可以归因于大的肾上腺素效应和Yb〜(( 2+)。这种新颖开发的CaAlSiN3:Yb〜(2+)是第一个由Yb〜(2+)激活的氮化物红色发光磷光体,在暖白LED的光谱转换材料中具有潜在的应用前景。讨论了CaAlSiN3和(氧)氮化物基荧光粉中Yb〜(2+)的发射带宽度,斯托克斯位移和热猝灭机理,并与Eu〜(2+)进行了比较。


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