首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Biology >The N-terminal extension of UBE2E ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes limits Chain assembly

The N-terminal extension of UBE2E ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes limits Chain assembly


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Protein ubiquitylation depends upon the concerted action of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) and ubiquitin ligases (E3s). All E2s have a conserved ubiquitin-conjugating (UBC) domain but many have variable extensions N- and C-terminal to the UBC domain. For many E2s, the function of the extension is not well understood. Here, we show that the N-terminal extension of the UBE2E proteins regulates formation of polyubiquitin chains by the processive UBC domain. Target proteins are therefore monoubiquitylated by full-length UBE2E, whereas the UBC domain alone polyubiquitylates proteins. Although the N-terminal extension of UBE2E1 is largely disordered in solution, these residues have a critical role in limiting chain building, and when fused to the highly processive E2, UBE2D2, ubiquitylation is limited. For some E2s, interaction of ubiquitin with the 'backside' of the UBC domain promotes polyubiquitylation. However, interaction of ubiquitin with the backside of the UBC domain of UBE2E1 does not appear to be important for processivity. This study underscores the importance of studying full-length E2 proteins and not just the highly conserved core domain.
机译:蛋白质泛素化取决于泛素结合酶(E2s)和泛素连接酶(E3s)的协同作用。所有E2都有一个保守的泛素结合(UBC)结构域,但许多E2具有UBC结构域N和C端的可变延伸。对于许多E2,扩展的功能尚不十分清楚。在这里,我们显示了UBE2E蛋白的N末端延伸通过过程性UBC域调节多聚泛素链的形成。因此,靶蛋白被全长UBE2E单泛素化,而单独的UBC结构域则使蛋白泛素化。尽管UBE2E1的N端延伸在溶液中无序,但是这些残基在限制链的建立中起着关键作用,并且当融合到高度加工的E2 UBE2D2时,泛素化作用受到限制。对于某些E2,泛素与UBC结构域“背面”的相互作用促进了多泛素化。但是,泛素与UBE2E1的UBC结构域的背面的相互作用对于合成能力似乎并不重要。这项研究强调了研究全长E2蛋白的重要性,而不仅仅是高度保守的核心结构域。



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