首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Novel 3-Aminothiazolquinolones: Design, Synthesis, Bioactive Evaluation, SARs, and Preliminary Antibacterial Mechanism

Novel 3-Aminothiazolquinolones: Design, Synthesis, Bioactive Evaluation, SARs, and Preliminary Antibacterial Mechanism


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A series of novel 3-aminothiazolquinolones as analogues of quinolone antibacterial agents were designed and synthesized in an effort to circumvent quinolone resistance. Among these 3-aminothiazolquinolones, 3-(2-aminothiazol-4yl)-7-chloro-6-(pyrrolidin-1-yl) quinolone 12b exhibited potent antibacterial activity, low cytotoxicity to hepatocyte cells, strong inhibitory potency to DNA gyrase, and a broad antimicrobial spectrum including against multidrug-resistant strains. This active molecule 12b also induced bacterial resistance more slowly than norfloxacin. Analysis of structure activity relationships (SARs) disclosed that the 2-aminothiazole fragment at the 3-position of quinolone plays an important role in exerting antibacterial activity. Molecular modeling and experimental investigation of aminothiazolquinolone 12b with DNA from a sensitive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strain revealed that the possible antibacterial mechanism might be related to the formation of a compound 12b-Cu2+-DNA ternary complex in which the Cu2+ ion acts as a bridge between the backbone of 3-aminothiazolquinolone and the phosphate group of the nucleic acid.
机译:设计并合成了一系列新颖的3-氨基噻唑喹诺酮类药物作为喹诺酮类抗菌剂的类似物,以规避喹诺酮类药物的耐药性。在这些3-氨基噻唑喹诺酮类化合物中,3-(2-氨基噻唑-4-基)-7-氯-6-吡咯烷-1-基喹诺酮12b表现出强的抗菌活性,对肝细胞的细胞毒性低,对DNA促旋酶的抑制力强,广泛的抗菌谱,包括抗多药耐药菌株。该活性分子12b也比诺氟沙星更慢地诱导细菌抗性。对结构活性关系(SAR)的分析表明,喹诺酮3位的2-氨基噻唑片段在发挥抗菌活性方面起着重要作用。氨基噻唑喹诺酮12b与敏感的耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)菌株的DNA的分子建模和实验研究表明,可能的抗菌机制可能与其中Cu2 +离子起作用的化合物12b-Cu2 + -DNA三元复合物的形成有关。作为3-氨基噻唑喹诺酮主链与核酸磷酸基团之间的桥梁。



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