首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Measure of morphological and performance properties in polymeric silicone foams by X-ray tomography

Measure of morphological and performance properties in polymeric silicone foams by X-ray tomography


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In the absence of nuclear weapons testing, assuring comparable material performance for replacement of no-longer-available material with modern formulations is difficult. The replacement material must completely replicate the performance of the original. Quantification of morphological characteristics in three dimensions by micro X-ray computed tomography (μCT) lends statistics and property values not otherwise achieved. This allows for the measurement of lot-to-lot, synthesis formula variations, as well as pre- and post-experimental structural changes that would be invisible to qualitative image comparison techniques. Owing to the unavailability of the original material, several novel formulations of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) foams were imaged and quantitatively compared to aid in choosing a replacement material. In this study, bulk properties were measured with μCT including, percent void volume, average void equivalent diameter and others, and were collected for four different formulations of PDMS foams from pristine, return for service, as well as samples that were aged by gamma ray exposure. Performance characteristics (e.g., Poisson ratio) were measured and compared. From this study, we will be able to provide more information for the selection of the material that most closely matches the performance of the original material. ? 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
机译:在没有进行核武器试验的情况下,要确保用现代配方代替不再可用的材料来确保可比的材料性能是困难的。替代材料必须完全复制原始材料的性能。通过X射线计算机断层扫描(μCT)对三维形态特征进行定量分析,可以提供其他方面无法获得的统计数据和特性值。这样就可以测量批次间,合成公式的变化,以及实验前和实验后的结构变化,这些变化对于定性的图像比较技术是不可见的。由于原始材料不可用,对聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)泡沫的几种新型配方进行了成像,并进行了定量比较,以帮助选择替代材料。在这项研究中,使用μCT测量了整体性能,包括空隙体积百分比,平均空隙当量直径及其他,并从原始中收集了四种不同配方的PDMS泡沫材料,以供使用,以及经伽马射线老化的样品接触。测量并比较性能特征(例如泊松比)。通过这项研究,我们将能够提供更多信息,供您选择最接近原始材料性能的材料。 ? 2012年Springer Science + Business Media纽约。



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