首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Lengthening kinetics of ferrite plates in high-strength low-carbon low alloy steel

Lengthening kinetics of ferrite plates in high-strength low-carbon low alloy steel


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The lengthening of ferrite plates in a high-strength low carbon low alloy steel, which contained 1.62 mass% Mn and small amounts of Si, Mo, Ni, Cr, and Nb, was observed in situ under high-temperature confocal laser scanning microscopy. Applying the analysis by Speich and Cohen to the growth of a lath-type plate, it was found that the measured lengthening rates are likely to fall between those calculated assuming para- and NPLE modes from the semiempirical equation proposed by Hillert, while they scattered widely presumably because the plate morphology was not a lenticular disk. In the temperature range of measurement, solute drag due to alloying element segregation at the boundary between plate tip and the matrix may not operate to an appreciable extent. The retardation of lengthening from that calculated under paraequilibrium could occur by intrinsic friction of α/γ boundary.
机译:在高温共聚焦激光扫描显微镜下原位观察了高强度低碳低合金钢中铁素体板的伸长,该钢中含1.62质量%的Mn和少量的Si,Mo,Ni,Cr和Nb。将Speich和Cohen的分析应用于板条型板的生长,发现测得的拉长率很可能落在假设由Hillert提出的半经验方程对-和NPLE模态下计算的拉长率之间,而它们却分散很大大概是因为板的形态不是双凸透镜。在测量温度范围内,由于合金元素在板尖端和基体之间的边界处偏析而引起的溶质阻力可能不会发挥明显作用。 α/γ边界的固有摩擦可能会导致在平衡状态下计算出的加长延迟。



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