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A review of the processing, composition, and temperature-dependent mechanical and thermal properties of dielectric technical ceramics


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The current review uses the material requirements of a new space propulsion device, the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) as a basis for presenting the temperature-dependent properties of a range of dielectric ceramics, but data presented could be used in the engineering design of any ceramic component with complementary material requirements. A material is required for the gas containment tube (GCT) of VASIMR? to allow it to operate at higher power levels. The GCT's operating conditions place severe constraints on the choice of material. An electrically-insulating material is required with a high-thermal conductivity, lowdielectric loss factor, and high-thermal shock resistance. There is a lack of a representative set of temperaturedependent material property data for materials considered for this application and these are required for accurate thermo-structural modelling. This modelling would facilitate the selection of an optimum material for this component. The goal of this article is to determine the best material property data values for use in the materials selection and design of such components. A review of both experimentally and theoretically determined temperaturedependent and room temperature properties of several materials has been undertaken. Data extracted are presented by property. Properties reviewed are density, Young's, bulk and shear moduli, Poisson's ratio, tensile, flexural and compressive strength, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, thermal expansion coefficient, and the factors affecting maximum service temperature. Materials reviewed are alumina, aluminium nitride, beryllia, fused quartz, sialon, and silicon nitride.
机译:当前的审查使用了新型空间推进装置的材料要求,即变比冲激磁等离子体火箭(VASIMR)作为提出一系列介电陶瓷随温度变化的特性的基础,但所提供的数据可用于工程设计中。具有互补材料要求的任何陶瓷组件。 VASIMR的气体密封管(GCT)需要材料吗?使其可以在更高的功率下运行。 GCT的操作条件严重限制了材料的选择。需要具有高导热率,低介电损耗因子和高耐热冲击性的电绝缘材料。对于此应用考虑的材料,缺乏一套与温度相关的材料特性数据的代表性数据,这些数据对于精确的热结构建模是必需的。这种建模将有助于为该组件选择最佳材料。本文的目的是确定用于此类组件的材料选择和设计的最佳材料属性数据值。已经对实验和理论确定的几种材料的温度相关性和室温特性进行了综述。提取的数据按属性显示。审查的性能包括密度,杨氏模量,体积模量和剪切模量,泊松比,拉伸强度,弯曲强度和抗压强度,导热系数,比热容,热膨胀系数以及影响最高使用温度的因素。审查的材料是氧化铝,氮化铝,铍,熔融石英,硅铝氧氮和氮化硅。



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