首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >The effect of gauge length on tensile strength and Weibull modulus of polyacrylonitrile (PAN)- and pitch-based carbon fibers

The effect of gauge length on tensile strength and Weibull modulus of polyacrylonitrile (PAN)- and pitch-based carbon fibers


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Carbon fibers are widely used as a reinforcement in composite materials because of their high specific strength and modulus. Current trends toward the development of carbon fibers have been driven in two directions; ultrahigh tensile strength fiber with a fairly high strain to failure (~2%), and ultrahigh modulus fiber with high thermal conductivity. Today, a number of ultrahigh strength polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based (more than 6 GPa), and ultrahigh modulus pitch-based (more than 900 GPa) carbon fibers have been commercially available. In this study, the tensile strengths of PAN- and pitch-based carbon fibers have been investigated using a single filament tensile test at various gauge lengths ranging from 1 to 250 mm. Carbon fibers used in this study were ultrahigh strength PAN-based (T1000GB, IM600), a high strength PAN-based (T300), a high modulus PAN-based (M60JB), an ultrahigh modulus pitch-based (K13D), and a high ductility pitch-based (XN-05) carbon fibers. The statistical distributions of the tensile strength were characterized. It was found that the Weibull modulus and the average tensile strength increased with decreasing gauge length, a linear relation between the Weibull modulus, the average tensile strength and the gauge length was established on log-log scale. The results also clearly show that for PAN- and pitch-based carbon fibers, there is a linear relation between the Weibull modulus and the average tensile strength on log-log scale.
机译:碳纤维因其高的比强度和模量而被广泛用作复合材料的增强材料。碳纤维发展的当前趋势已从两个方向驱动。具有相当高的断裂应变(〜2%)的超高拉伸强度纤维,以及具有高导热性的超高模量纤维。如今,已经有许多基于超高强度聚丙烯腈(PAN)的碳纤维(大于6 GPa)和基于超高模量沥青的碳纤维(大于900 GPa)。在这项研究中,已使用单细丝拉伸试验在1至250 mm的各种规格长度下研究了PAN和沥青基碳纤维的拉伸强度。本研究中使用的碳纤维为超高强度PAN基(T1000GB,IM600),高强度PAN基(T300),高模量PAN基(M60JB),超高模量沥青基(K13D)和高延展性沥青基(XN-05)碳纤维。表征了拉伸强度的统计分布。结果表明,威布尔模量和平均抗拉强度随标距的减小而增加,其威布尔模量,平均抗拉强度与标距的线性关系建立在对数-对数尺度上。结果也清楚地表明,对于PAN和沥青基碳纤维,Weibull模量与平均抗拉强度之间呈线性关系(对数-对数刻度)。



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